Phoenix 2007 (new thread) - page 31


why your system for competing did different from ...


I just get your system from competing BUT today [monday , october 23, 2006 ]. your system did open position to sell usdjpy at 118.89, stop 119.73

target 118.47. BUT your system at MQL4 competing is not available position. Why ???? What is happen to your system ????

I use as brokerage.




A little bit of subject here; are you located in the U.S.? did you get your name off the commercial for the navigation system?? cause if you did hahahaha, kudos!!


I just get your system from competing BUT today [monday , october 23, 2006 ]. your system did open position to sell usdjpy at 118.89, stop 119.73

target 118.47. BUT your system at MQL4 competing is not available position. Why ???? What is happen to your system ????

I use as brokerage.

The Contest version of Phoenix is just a little bit different from your version. Why? Because it gave me another opportunity to test Phoenix under different circumstances. But don't worry; in the end we will have the ultimate final version of Phoenix!! And if I'm not mistaking this final version will be a lot better than the Contest version.

hello thanks to all that testing the ea thanks Hendrick that brought it to us .

i think the ea should be able to manage more then one trade per once (same pair), couse now i'm holding short on JPY for 2 days , and in that periot of time the ea had to oper 2 trades , that came to profit ,, but it doesnt took it couse i have a opened trade..

think about it ... one more think . u explaind how to get a 90% quality for 2 years , so why all ur backtest are since the beginning of the year and not for 2 years ?

10x again

Opening a second trade is available in Phoenix 5.

Mr Hendrick, i totally agree on your time-window idea. if a trade lasts too long, the open-trade signal may lose it's effect and the trade may become a tossing coin gamble or something like that. But i think looking for ways to improve success rate is better than "scout trade" because "scout trade" may be more risky.

After severe back testing Phoenix 5, the "scout trade" and the following second trade will improve the results a lot. And when it becomes to risk, Forex is risky, but if you manage to control this risk then risk will become the entrance to increase your account substantially, and that's what we want! Wait for Phoenix 5, play with the settings and make your own backward tests. The you can see it with your own eyes.

I agree with this! I don't think it is a good idea to open a second trade if the first is in profit. What if the price is reversing? We will lose twice as much! If we open a second trade on a new signalwe should do it only at a better price.... if the first trade is losing. The SL & TP should be at the same price levels as the first order. This means a smaller loss and a bigger profit because the opening price is closer to the SL level. This way we either lose a small extra amount, or win more than twice.


See my answer to the post of Scout.


Phoenix 4_2 Multiple Currencies

Hendrick, great job with the competition!

"The race does not always go to the swiftest"

Here are some results from a IBFX demo acct so far. What's going on? I noticed that the usdjpy in my demo did not match-up with your trades even adjusting for GMT. Any idea why Phoenix picked different orders?

Keep up the great work


I saw Phoenix 4.2 in my MT opened the same trade (JPY/USD) which showed in the contest on Sunday night (NY time), the same trade, same SL and TP and closed this morning with profit. Thanx, Henrick.

One thing I want to ask Henrick, in European market (Monday, Oct 23), there were trend moves in EUR, GBP and CHF as well, but Phoenix 4.2 only opened the trades in JPY/USD, EUR/JPY, CHF/JYP, and USD/CAD, why could not Phoenix open other pairs like JPY?




Thanks for all of your hard work Hendrick! Congrats on going back into top 3 as well. I agree with others that sashken might take a sudden plunge. His posted code does have a stop limit, but I read in an interview he didn't have one. Odd?

I'm very excited about Phoenix, and very glad that it is working so well. Doubling your money in under a month is excellent! (looking at championship data) Doing that 6 months straight would turn 10k into 640k.

My concern is that after several months, the market may change and there would be susceptibilities, weaknesses in a different market. Opening a new trade on a new signal is great, but (if I understand correctly) turning fluctuations into trends automatically could be dangerous.

I like categorizing things in my own head, and I'm not sure what direction you want to take Phoenix. As long as you know, then great! My understanding your motivation isn't necessary.

I will be looking for lagging corresponding currencies, USDCHF and EURUSD are too closely paralleled in the major markets to be bid on if you have any spread at all. Normall they follow 1-3 pips apart, and sometimes one currency lags behind the other by as much as 3 minutes. Since I was looking at broker data, this could simply be an artifact of my broker and not the Level 2 market.

Another possible contribution: I have made historical news data in a file read into an array. Since the news information is released each and the expected impact is ranked, we could program an EA to look for "no trade times" specific to a currency. Since major news releases alter technical trading so much, this may create a more stable currency growth. News data sorted low/med/high, and by currency code. It has a long way to go before it can be included in live EA, but it should be useful for manual trading/backtesting now.


Pheonix results

My first days results for pheonix ea on Interbank platform using standard settings. Although my forward test is in its infancy, if it should continue half as well in the coming months i will be very pleased. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Hendrik. There is not enough altruism in the world HIS ACTIONS ARE A SHINING EXAMPLE TO US ALL.

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