HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 199


droesparky, I just notice your signature line - "My Pips in 2008 = +154". For the whole year? Are you serious? I know you have been with us when we got started and somewhere, somehow, you have left [for greener pasture??]. If you are truly serious about what you say in your signature line and more than SERIOUS about improving it, in the process become an optimum trader, I maybe of help if you feel it is necessary. Let's talk. You know how to reach me.

Thanks and take care.



P.S. Unless of course, that 158 pips were with HUGE LOTS!


Post indicator

Could you post or direct me to the Indicator 6- rising





Riding the bulls run Friday, 3/6/09 on Z3 shown in the attached screenshot with Keekkenen's compilation of the HAMA System indicators overlayed on emini DOW aka YM on 1minute timeframe at closing. Price action [OHLC], levels , market behaviour [timing]! Yes, yes, it is not a perfect, not 100% guaranteed method, BUT understanding those 3 factors will get you close enough and you will have your own GOLDEN GOOSE!

For those of you who would like to use the HAMA System as a foundation but would like to have additional confirming inndicator/s, feel free to attached your favorite indicators and settings. HAMA System will work well with CCI, RSI, Stoch, Cycle, and many others available in this super TSD forum and elsewhere in the net.

Have a foundation, pin down your method, make sure the reasons for entering and exiting your trades matches your set of rules. Then, STAY with IT, give it time, give yourself time to prove it to yourself, YOU can be a successful trader. Patience, Discipline, Focus! Make it a PASSION not a MAYBE or JUST IN CASE! GET IT? When YOU DO, you will be able to run with the market moves, be it BULLS or BEARS!

In the meantime, if you follow the market, uses market corelations, and /or concern about the global economic crisis, please take sometime to watch and enjoy either one or both video clips:

9 minute excerpt version

or this full 22 minute version

SMILE! LAUGH! ENJOY your weekend!

Could you post or direct me to the Indicator 6- rising





That's a proprietary and built-in our Z3 base system. It is an excellent visual tool in detecting the strength of the move at defined levels. It can also be found and is built-in in one of FerruFX commercial indicators. Check his thread in this forum or contact him directly at his site: Custom Indicators Probability Meter - Heart Forex - MT4 Forex Trading Predictive Custom Indicator.




Hama Traders Lounge


I wish I would have found this thread when it first started.... Just ran across it a couple of days ago, finally made it to the last post...

FXcruiser, will you be opening up the Hama Traders Lounge anytime in the near future for new members.

Very much interested in following and contributing to the Hama Experience.



Hama traders lounge

Fx ive been following your thread just recently and ive been benefitted by it very much. Hope to join the Hama Traders Lounge, when will it be opened. Im really a fan, can you PM me any updates of these version at solilap(at)yahoo (dot)com. Im still using your Hama pad v.1. im still a newbie.


Yes Fxcruiser, can you provide some news, do you open in a next future the hama lounge again ?

Thanks !


Hey, thanks for the 3-in-1 HAMA indicators. Super job!



you are welcome


Request for HAMA PAD v1 and Inquiry on Membership

For those readers who have sent me PM and those who have posted here requesting the latest HAMA PAD indicators, please download them from keekkenen post here. He was kind enough to combine all the three indicators into one HAMA System.

For those inquiring about joining the HAMA Traders Lounge, you will be notified accordinly via email IF you have previously registered at the Google Group site.

Thanks again for your continued interest and support.



P.S. I will also edit the first post, sometime today, with this information.


LONDON Session Trades Setup

I rarely trade the London session, however, my yesterday's EMO levels set the tone for the substantial pips moves in forex for directional continuations. I woke up and spent about an hour just to check and insure they were valid signals. Here is the USDCHF trades where you could have participated for pips profit with Z3.

