Traders joking, the beginning - page 692

The Optimist sees the glass half full.

The Stock Market Day Trader just adds whiskey ...
Everybody’s talking about these leaked emails from former Secretary of State Colin Powell. In one, he actually called Dick Cheney an idiot. Cheney was very hurt. In fact, he said the comments broke his latest heart.

The White House has announced that America will accept 110,000 refugees next year. Meanwhile, Canada announced if Donald Trump wins, they’ll accept 110 million refugees.

This week a study was released by the World Health Organization showing that the United States is the third most depressing country in the world after India and China. When Americans heard the news they were like, “Oh, we only got third?”

A man is getting bar mitzvah’d at age 113. They’re hoping the attendance is better than last year when he got circumcised.

Hillary Clinton thinks Honesty is a consumer product sold by Jessica Alba.