Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and how will it influence the future prices

Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and how will it influence the future prices

31 July 2017, 13:08

It's almost certain that in 2 days we will have 2 Bitcoin tokens. It will not be the first time this happens to a digital currency (we have Ethereum precedent), but considering that we are talking about the biggest one, the impact will be much higher. 100 sources give you 100 possible outcomes. Some they say that the new Bitcoin (called Bitcoin Cash) will have about 10% of Bitcoin value and will create an extra $6-7 Billion out of nothing. In my opinion, the most interesting part to follow is if the community will welcome and integrate the new token or it will be isolated and slowly-slowly removed or, say at least, diminished to an insignificant value. Only time will tell, that is for sure, but, nevertheless, it will definitely change the crypto market, the way we know it.

For us, what is the most important is what effect will have on our Bitcoin asset available for trading on MT5 Platform. If you think that Bitcoin is too risky for the next period of time, Ethereum and Litecoin will certainly feel the gap and offer you an excellent alternative.