Australia - Trade balance for May: Deficit of 2218m ( expected -1700m)

5 July 2016, 07:01
Sherif Hasan

Australian trade balance for May, -$2218mln

  • expected deficit of 1700m, prior -1579m
Goods and services exports up 1% m/m and imports up 2% m/m (sa)

Says the Australia Bureau of Statistics:
  • In trend terms, the balance on goods and services was a deficit of $1,885m in May 2016, a decrease of $290m (13%) on the deficit in April 2016.
  • In seasonally adjusted terms, the balance on goods and services was a deficit of $2,218m in May 2016, an increase of $433m (24%) on the deficit in April 2016.

Out at the same time, a miss on retail sales:
Australia: Retail Sales for May: +0.2% m/m (expected +0.3%)


AUD dropping away on after the data (it was down a little already on the session:

We're having an opposite day from yesterday