AUD: Flat Monthly Inflation Gauge - TDS

AUD: Flat Monthly Inflation Gauge - TDS

4 April 2016, 09:28
Roberto Jacobs

AUD: Flat Monthly Inflation Gauge - TDS

Research Team at TDS, suggests that the Australia’s March Monthly Inflation Gauge was flat for headline and core.

Key Quotes

“We expect Q1 CPI of +0.3%/qtr via flat tradable and +0.5%/qtr for non-tradable. For core we expect +0.53%/qtr for 1.93%/yr. Low, but not a trigger for easing since the RBA already expects 2%.

Retail sales were flat for Feb, so the petrol price slump did not spark an appetite for shopping. Building approvals rebounded (+3.1%) as widely expected, via apartments +7.7%, but the peak is firmly in the rear view mirror with approvals nearly 10% below levels of a year ago. ANZ job ads +0.2% but dragged down by newspaper ads.”

(Market News Provided by FXstreet)