Eurozone: Economic activity appears to be slowing - BBH

Eurozone: Economic activity appears to be slowing - BBH

21 March 2016, 12:42
Vasilii Apostolidi

Research Team at BBH, suggests that the economic activity in the Eurozone does appear to be slowing. 

“Recall that EMU economy expanded by 0.3% in Q4 15 for a 1.5% year-over-year growth. This is in line with what economists reckon is trend growth for the eurozone. Sentiment has weakened. 

Although as we have noted the markets have recovered, the refugee crisis and political anxiety warns of downside risks for the flash PMI that will be released on March 22. However, even if the composite reading is unchanged at 53.0, it puts the quarterly average at 53.2 compared with 54.1 in Q4 15. It would be the lowest quarterly average since Q4 14.”

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