When do you believe the Fed will raise rates? - opinion of traders

When do you believe the Fed will raise rates? - opinion of traders

28 August 2015, 06:11
Sergey Golubev
1 385

Some analytics are predicting for the Federal Reserve to rise the rates in September, some of them are expecting it in December or in the first half of 2016. So, when do you believe the Fed will raise rates?

1. Howard Simons, President of Rosewood Trading Inc.: "They will raise rates, probably in September, possibly in December, by 25 bp and then say they were sorry and it will not happen again for a long time."

2. Pete Thomas, Sr. Vice President of Zaner Precious Metals: "If we raise the rate by a quarter this year and another quarter in the first period of next year, I foresee the euro at 107—a survivable amount of damage—and the rate of return at a half of a percent at the federal lending window."

3. Jeff Greenblatt, Editor of the Fibonacci Forecaster, director of Lucas Wave International, LLC: "I've always believed if they were going to do it; December would be the earliest. The problem here is with economic growth so weak they don't even have a window to raise rates in order to drop them later on. They seem to be hopelessly behind the curve and if anything would try a quarter point in December."

4. Al Brooks, author of several books on price action and he 36 hour Brooks Trading Course: "As a trader, I never care what the Fed or anyone else does."

5. Jeff Carter, co-founder of Hyde Park Angels and former member of the CME Board of Directors: "I think the Fed will do a token raise of .25 in September."

6. Paul Cretien, n investment analyst and financial case writer: "A good start - and one that may take place - is for the Fed to allow the shortest-term rates to increase by 25 to 50 basis points by December 2015."