World crude steel demand forecast 2016

28 July 2015, 21:59
Roger K Olsson
Tradeore B2B Forum - Mining News, Fiscal Reports and News Releases

The global steel demand 

There can be no doubt that the production of steel and other similar products has been an important influence on the global markets for many years. This is why this market are continually analyzed by economist and other financial experts in order to determine the fluctuations which may occur in this market. According to the latest reports which has been released especially by the World Steel Association for 2015 and 2016 are showing that they expect a slight increase in the demand of steel during 2015 and 2016. The report makes it clear that the expectations for the steel industry are rather conservative because of the decreasing steel production rates which are seen in China. The report is also commenting on the significant influence which the current situation will have in many economies which may find it difficult to absorb the slower demand for steel products. That is why it is important to focus on finding more efficient steel production methods which could decrease the cost of production while increasing profits.


The instability in many parts 

There are simply too many regions which are currently not stable and which are therefore posing significant risks and the capital flow abilities of many nations remain unsure and when this is viewed in the light of the economic slowdown in China it is clear that caution has to be taken when decisions are made regarding the steel production industry. Everything however is not doom and gloom but there are also several very encouraging developments and there are even some positive news which are received especially from developing economies. Many of these signals are coming from nations with in the Eurozone. In several of the developed nations there is actually indications that expansion are on the table which will require increased steel production. The reality however is that the influence that China has in the global steel industry are simply too big and therefore all of these emerging factors may simply not be enough to absorb the impact that China will have. Regardless of these factors the World Steel Association are expecting a gradual increase in the demand for steel products during 2016 and beyond.


Indications of maturity  

Some developing countries are taking the current global developments in stride and they have actually matured despite the apparent problems with in the steel industry. It will however take a substantial amount of planning to deal with the difficulties in the global steel situation most of which has been caused by the situation in China where steel demand in 2014 has been negative for the first time since 1995. Unfortunately the situation in China is expected to endure and it is unlikely to see significant changes in that situation. Therefore the growth in the demand for steel in China are likely to remain slow through 2016 and possibly beyond that. It is also acknowledged that the current Chinese policy regarding the steel industry which may be positive over the long term but in the short term however it is causing severe problems all over the globe. Bank & Finance © Copyright 2015