10 Wednesday Reads - Multimillion-dollar markup, U.S. dot-com bubble was nothing, hard lessons from Rob Arnott, Jeremy Grantham, and more

10 Wednesday Reads - Multimillion-dollar markup, U.S. dot-com bubble was nothing, hard lessons from Rob Arnott, Jeremy Grantham, and more

8 April 2015, 21:11
Sergey Golubev
  • Star Investors Reveal Their Hits and Misses: The hard lessons from Rob Arnott, Jeremy Grantham, Howard Marks and Jeffrey Gundlach (WSJ)
  • U.S. Dot-Com Bubble Was Nothing Compared to Today’s China Prices (Bloomberg)
  • Macro Last Month Was Better Than You Think (The Fat Pitch)
  • But What Will the Market Do? (Irrelevant Investor) see also Is there a Relationship Between the Economy and Stock Market? (EconomPic Data)
  • A Multimillion-Dollar Markup on a Modigliani (NYT)
  • Ultra-fast charging aluminum battery offers safe alternative to conventional batteries (Physsee also How will we measure Apple’s Watch success? (Asymco)
  • Why Economists Cling to Discredited Ideas: Free-market theory may be at odds with reality, but it fits a certain need. (American Prospect)
  • Uber Just Showed Us Its Trump Card: Leaving Town (Slate)
  • In Parched California, Innovation, Like Water, Has Limits (NYTsee also Why the California drought will be worse than everyone thinks (MarketWatch)
  • Everything Is Broken (Medium)

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