She Was Groped By Hedge Fund Manager, He Responds “I’ve Grabbed Plenty Of Girls’ Asses”

She Was Groped By Hedge Fund Manager, He Responds “I’ve Grabbed Plenty Of Girls’ Asses”

23 September 2014, 12:11
Laura Ramadei, is a bartender in New York City. She posted an open letter on Facebook to the hedge fund manager who she said groped her. She said he only left a $2 tip. She posted his receipt on facebook:

Interestingly, the New York Post got a hold of Lederman and asked him about the incident. He says he’s a connoisseur of the “ass grab” — but this waitress just wasn’t on his menu.

“When I asked you and your companion if you’d be eating, or needing anything else from me, you put your hand — ever so gently — ON MY ASS and asked if you could take me ‘to go,’ ” the 29-year-old wrote, adding that he left only a $2 tip. “He placed what felt like three fingers on my left butt cheek,” she told. “It was very subtle, but it was definite contact.”

Her rant has been shared almost 2,000 times since she posted it on Monday. “It was a small thing, but probably commonplace for women and servers,” she said.