Who run the world? Girls! Or why women will rule the world by 2050

Who run the world? Girls! Or why women will rule the world by 2050

29 August 2014, 16:25
Alice F
4 237

“Men are losing their grip,” wrote Jennifer Homans in her New York Times review of “The End of Men and Rise of Women,” Hanna Rosin’s bestseller. “Patriarchy is crumbling. We are reaching ‘the end of 200,000 years of human history and the beginning of a new era’ in which women, and womanly skills and traits, are on the rise.”

Paul Farrel, a columnist of Market Watch, discusses Jennifer Homans's article, reflecting upon what will happen with male-dominated patriarchy within several decades.

Pushed by tribal instincts to fight change, hold onto ancient symbols of power, men are trapped in the past - women will rule the future.

Even today’s conservative war on women, the drive to control women’s reproductive rights, comes from deep in the collective conscious of the male brain, as men feel threatened by this historic power shift.

Yes, “a new matriarchy is emerging” says Homans. “For the first time in history, the global economy is becoming a place where women are finding more success than men ... run by young, ambitious, capable women ... taking matters into their own hands.”

Yep, after 200,000 years women make men feel powerless

But the real drama is that today’s threatened male ego is also undermining America’s economy and its status as a world power. Indeed? By fighting a losing battle to hold onto the old vestiges of their ancient macho-dominated patriarchy, the weak male ego is making matters worse, manifest in the GOPs seeming endless, self-destructive, do-nothing partisan political wars that at their core simply confirm how patriarchy is crumbling. First, their childish strategy opposing a black male president. Now they are afraid a woman could win the presidency, even lead till 2024. No wonder conservative male brain is in panic.

History is fast changing: There were only four women in my University of Virginia Law School graduating class. Now it would be half women. Same with other professions. So here’s how we see the single biggest global trend that’s defining the 21st century: How women are replacing men as leaders in America and around the world. Here’s a summary of the seven elements of this rapidly emerging trend as identified in Fortune, the New York Times, Time magazine, money manager Jeremy Grantham and other sources:

1. Women's brain is naturally disposed to long-term strategic vision

 women's brain

Money manager Jeremy Grantham says our male-dominated patriarchal culture has created “an army of left-brained immediate doers.” Wall Street, Corporate America and Silicon Valley’s social-media commandos all think short term, discounting to zero longer-term social costs, like climate change and resource depletion, while ignoring reality, that we’re living on a planet incapable of feeding the 10 billion predicted within a generation

Grantham predicted a global crash back in 2006. Now he warns of a possible 50% market collapse by 2016. Till then, the Fed’s misguided cheap-money policies will just keep pushing the S&P500 to 2,250. Why? The short-term thinking brains of our male-dominated capitalist world (closing process, quarterly earnings, annual bonuses) are not psychologically wired to solve the world’s bigger long-term problems. The female brain is better designed.

2. Changing job needs are empowering women and smoothing out the playing field

women's opportunity index

 Today's women occupation possibilities

Men raised in macho cultures with traditional values feel even more threatened as women gain equality and power. As Homans put it in the Times: “The end of men is really the end of a manufacturing-based economy.” Six million lost jobs since 2000, mostly men, creating a vacuum. As a result, “a new matriarchy is emerging: For the first time in history, the global economy is becoming a place where women are finding more success than men ... run by young, ambitious, capable women ... taking matters into their own hands.”

Don't take politics into account, this is the “new service economy, which doesn’t care about physical strength,” demanding skills that “come easily to women.” Our educational system is preparing a new generation of women leaders: “Today 50% more women get college degrees, so even if fewer women are at the top, they are beginning to dominate professions like accounting, financial management, optometry, dermatology, forensic pathology and veterinary practices.”

3. More women are gaining influential positions across Corporate America

Last year Fortune magazine’s list of “The 50 Most Powerful Women” revealed that when the list was launched in 1998 there were only two women CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. Today, there are 19 women CEOs, at giants like IBM, Pepsico, Xerox, Kraft and DuPont. Plus “more women wield more power than at any point in history,” including many “guiding the future of the global economy,” like IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff.

cl imf

Christine Lagarde
Dilma Vana Rousseff

Angela Merkel

4. More women are now elected to legislatures all across USA

Men believe they are still powerful in running the federal government. That delusion’s weakening, threatening male politicians as well as male carpenters. The National Foundation for Women Legislators says: “The greatest rising force in American politics today is not a political party, nor is it the lobbying community, it is women.” In the early 1980s “women held a mere 10% of all state legislative seats in the country, today they hold 24% of 7,382 seats nationwide. Currently 17 women serve in the U.S. Senate and 73 serve in the U.S. House of Representatives.” Plus six women are state governors. By 2050, women will be the power majority.

Women in the US Senate

5. There are getting more female legislators across the world

Yes, the trend is gaining popularity accross the world. In “The Case for Optimism” about our future, Bill Clinton’s Time magazine feature a couple years ago, he said the “world is getting better all the time,” citing five ways, including technology, health care, green energy. His fourth key: “Women Rule.” Worldwide, women now make up 20% of elected legislators, almost double 15 years ago: “This is good news, not only for the individuals themselves but also for entire societies.” Why? “It’s been proven that women tend to reinvest economic gains back into their families and communities more than men do.” Men are narcissistic. Yes, women not only think different from men, they think better.

female legislators

Female legislators

6. Women are the new leaders in a Battle for The Future

While many men still resist, others are teaming up with women, equals working together. Here is Clinton’s fifth reason for optimism: “Justice, The Fight for the Future.” He knows “the future has never had a big enough constituency.” But things are changing, rapidly, because the survival of the planet requires new thinking, new strategies. Women get it. They are taking the lead. Clinton says we must “create a whole different mind-set. We are in a pitched battle between the present array of resources and attitudes and the future struggling to be born.”


7. Macho men are undermining their own future by defending conservative patriarchy


This cultural conflict reveals how men are their own worst enemy, sabotaging their future. Look beyond the so-called “war on women” rhetoric in the political arena where men fight to control women and women’s issues. Statistically they’re out of touch with most Americans. Fighting a losing battle. But look deeper into the brains of these male politicians. They’re frightened little boys who feel threatened at a deep subconscious gut level. So they react, double down, fight harder to go back to an old familiar power structure where Old Guys Rule, controlling women’s reproductive rights and more.

There is no way to come back though. Why? Because a huge cultural tidal wave is sweeping both men and women in its historic path.

Yes, “men are losing their grip ... patriarchy is crumbling ... we are reaching ‘the end of 200,000 years of human history ... the beginning of a new era’ in which women, and womanly skills and traits, are on the rise.” It is time men wake up to the power shift. No one can stop this historic shift, for the new economy just keeps empowering more women, preparing them for the future. Wake up guys ... before it’s too late for you ... for America.