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The results of the UK’s EU referendum will remain the main focus throughout today and a key focal point for the coming sessions, days, and weeks. The true consequences to the UK’s economy and even the true impact on the global economy remain widely unknown...
Trading Systems
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 13:02
Ewald Nowotny having his say We have hundreds of millions of euros to use against insufficient liquidity Is seeing stabilisation in markets after initial surprise If banks have Brexit trouble we will provide liquidity For now the initial reaction looks to have run its course...
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 13:00 #ECB
A whole series of comments from various corners of the globe 24 June 2016 Russian central bank closely following markets Norwegian fin min - Brexit could drag down growth, must expect market turmoil Danish central bank head- have tools needed to defend EUR peg, will do whatever required Italian e...
Market News
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 12:58
Swiss National Bank confirm they have been active during Brexit outcome 24 June 2016 will continue to monitor and act when necessary No surprises as I highlighted the base case scenario in one of my earlier posts. On EURCHF I wrote: "While 1...
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 12:57 #eurchf
Brexit campaign leader and potential UK PM makes his press statement 24 June 2016 UK can find a voice in the world equal to that of 5th largest economy people in UK have spoken up for democracy in Britain and Europe Not everyone Boris but a majority at least...
Market News
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 12:55
Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon out on the wires 24 June 2016 wants to secure Scotland's place in EU Second Scottish independence referendum here we come if parliament judges 2nd referendum is best way to stay in EU then it must be held before end of EU exit talks 2nd referendum now hig...
Market News
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 12:54
The political snowball is starting to roll Cameron choosing to step down shows the inherent problem with this great country. So what if he was wrong in the path he chose? At least he stood up for his beliefs. I can't say I held huge respect for him but I hold even less now...
Market News
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 12:53
USD/JPY: We prefer to fade upticks towards the 106.25 area and look for a move below 103.55 to encourage our bearish view. Our targets are towards support near 102.10 and then the 100.70 area. Copy signals, Trade and Earn $ on Forex4you -
Analytics & Forecasts
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Vasilii Apostolidi, 24 June 2016, 12:01 #forex
The day after Brexit 24-06-2016 Opening DAX index future, almost 10% lower. Biggest market crash in recent history!
Market News
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Snelle Moda, 24 June 2016, 11:10
Yesterday we posted our weekly analysis of USDCAD which you can review here. We stated that 1.265 should not be breached and as expected USDCAD bottomed right above that level at 1.267...
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AynGannRand, 24 June 2016, 11:04 #technical analysis
Bank of England governor Carney now up to the rostrum as expected 24 June 2016 BOE ready to provide GBP 250bln of additional funds economic adjustments will be supported by resilient banking system Yes because they've been shoring up their defences with cheap money rather than lend it on...
Market News
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 10:35
Let’s sit back and take stock on some of the major points that Fed Chairperson Yellen had made in two straight days of testimonies, shall we? Specifically, let’s take a look at Yellen’s views on the U.S. economy, the possibility of a Brexit, monetary policy, and the U.S. stock market...
Market News
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 10:30
Here's your economic data/event calendar for today 24 June 2016 Greetings one and all. A momentous occasion as the UK votes for Brexit and I for one am very pleased with the outcome on a variety of levels but the path ahead for the UK will be anything but smooth...
Market News
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 08:42
Brexit odds are rising: GBP/USD is crashing, things are looking cruel as more votes for leave are gaining ground. The initial big fall came from Sunderland after a push from Newcastle. Since then, the pound found some stability but fresh results push things lower. The low so far has been under 1...
Market News
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 08:38
USD/JPY was under pressure together with the strengthening of the Brexit cause. And when it looks more and more real, USD/JPY went all the way down to 98.82. But from there, a bounce to 101.50 is seen. Japanese officials have noted that FX movements are “rough”...
Market News
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 08:32
ccording to various models and TV forecasts, the Leave camp is set to carry the day and win. Results keep on pouring in and while the count shows vote on a knife’s edge, it is clear that Brexit is performing well. GBP/USD is under 1...
Market News
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 07:24
ITV calls it. The BBC and Sky News follow. It is over. Here is what has happened and what might be seen in the next few days. Things became clearer as the night progressed, with the minimal margin for Remain in Newcastle and the big Leave win in Sunderland...
Market News
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 07:21
Never has change come so swiftly and unexpectedly It's over. It's all done but the counting. They'll try to hang the pollsters but who cares. The vote is in and it's wide enough that I don't see any way for Cameron to wiggle out of it...
Market News
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 06:15
Ugly times for equities in the wake of anticipated Brexit 24 June 2016 lows 15115.38 a few moments ago currently 15166.49 -6.6% USDJPY 101.59 with all eyes on the BOJ after lows of 98.97...
Market News
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 06:13 #Nikkei
News just out ahead of the final results still to come in 24 June 2016 BBC Radio 4 just announcing that the official position of their forecasters is that the UK has voted to Leave the EU. UKIP leader Farage has already made his victory speech...
Market News
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Sherif Hasan, 24 June 2016, 06:12