Markets are for survivors

24 June 2016, 18:31
Sherif Hasan

The world is running on fumes

Thank goodness the vote was on a Thursday, not a Monday.

I might be projecting but it feels like there isn't much gas left in the tank. That vote was emotional and the swings were epic.

If you're reading this, you probably survived and I hope ForexLive was a help. As I wrote earlier, these are the days I live for. I wrote here for 17 hours straight and I bought a new house I'm moving to tomorrow so it's been harrowing but I love it. One of the first things I do when I get there will be to print out the GBP/USD and frame it.

In any case, there's no quit in this crew. I'm going to ride this thing out until the closing finish line and if there's a trade to be made, I'll try to find it. If not, we'll get ready for the open on Monday.

I have a few ideas about what to watch and what's to come. I'm really loving the war stories and I'm so grateful for all the emails and messages I've gotten telling me about all the pips you've made today.

So let's crank it up one more time. I think I'm going to need some anti-establishment, hardcore punk rock to get me there.