Charles Dow's theory - page 27

Uladzimir Izerski:

The East is a delicate business. All wisdom comes from there.

That is true, but modern civilisation was created by the West.


Yes, but modern civilisation was created by the West after all.

But this is not the place for such discussions. Please take it to private. I see an interesting interlocutor. I'll open it for you.

Uladzimir Izerski:

But this is no place for such a discussion.

What kind of a discussion is this. It is a truism.


What kind of a discussion is this. It is a truism.

But this is not the place to further developa truism. Joke's on and on.


Alexander, no one is breaking anything in this thread and no one is going to. There's a mad prophet perching on his flock here.

I tested the _Forecast_v12 indicator in these ways:

1. Calculation by opening price. Open an order on each candle. To close all orders when the minimum profit is achieved. Result = CloseAtStop.

2. Opening price calculation. Open orders with fixed TP SL. Doubling at the last losing order (Martin). Result = CloseAtStop.

3. Calculate by the price of Moving Average SMA. Open an order in the direction of the SMA, when the price deviates from the average and the indicator signal in the desired direction. Result = Balance downwards (sometimes upwards on other parameters and currency pairs)


Also other observations:

1. the indicator changes the forecast with different sampling (smooths like an average)

2. If we feed the indicator with prices drawn by a zigzag, then different forecasts with different sampling - firstly, and secondly, the indicator changes synchronously with the direction of the zigzag line. This makes the indicator absolutely useless, because it does not see the reversal level, it only shows the direction.

It is possible to supplement the 'Laws' with a new item:

16. Forget all 15 laws above and do not follow them to save your time and deposit.

But nevertheless, the Grail is out there. What is your definition of a strategy (the Grail) that will print money without end, how do you see it and what obvious advantages it should have over other TSs in the forex market?
Marat Zeidaliyev:
But nevertheless, the Grail is out there. What is your understanding of strategy (Grail) which will print money without end, how do you see it and what are the obvious advantages it should have over other TSs in Forex market?

Rarely do people come in here with such important questions.

Printing money will have an immediate effect on the schedule. There are no other possible sources other than the insider. Insider is severely punished!!!"

Uladzimir Izerski:

Rarely do people come in here with such important questions.

Printing money will have an immediate effect on the schedule. There are no other possible sources other than the insider. Insider is severely punished!!!"

Insider is not for mere mortals, and in the forex market, insider happens within the interbank system, and for the average trader it is an inconvenience to make trades.

What about the Holy Grail, some think that it's 1000% a month, some think that it's 100%, and some think that 10% stable flow is the Holy Grail, I do not agree with the latter, some well optimized strategies can bring 10% of profit to the forex market for a long time 5-7 years or more, of course this is profitable for those guys who have more money for a big deposit this is enough to piss happy, you can say that there is no such TS, maybe not, maybe there is, because money likes silence, we do not know I think that's the main problem of 99% of beginners and experienced traders that stagnate, they all are looking for TS with the snowball effect.

Marat Zeidaliyev:

Insider is not for mere mortals, and in the forex market insider happens within the interbank system, and for the average trader it is an inconvenience to make trades.

What about the Holy Grail, some think it's 1000% a month, some think it's 100%, and some think that 10% stable flow is the Holy Grail, I do not agree with the latter, some well optimized strategies can bring 10% of profit to the forex market for a long time 5-7 years or more, of course this is beneficial for those guys who have more money for a big deposit this is enough to piss happy, you can say that there is no such TS, maybe not, maybe there is, because money likes silence, we do not know I think that's the main problem of all 99% of beginners and experienced traders, who are tramping in place, all they are looking for TS with the effect of a snowball effect.

I'm no stranger to your speeches. Went over various bumps.

The pleasure of profit from 10 quid and from 10,000 will be different.

How to achieve the pleasure is up to opportunity, intelligence and luck.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

I tested the _Forecast_v12 indicator in these ways:

1. Calculation by opening price. To open an order on each candle. Closing all orders when the minimum profit is reached. Result = CloseAtStop.

2. Opening price calculation. Open orders with fixed TP SL. Doubling at the last losing order (Martin). Result = CloseAtStop.

3. Calculate by the price of Moving Average SMA. Open an order in the direction of the SMA, when the price deviates from the average and the signal of the indicator in the desired direction. Result = Balance downwards (sometimes upwards on other parameters and currency pairs)


Also other observations:

1. the indicator changes the forecast with different sampling (smooths like an average)

2. If we feed the indicator with prices drawn by a zigzag, then different forecasts with different sampling - firstly, and secondly, the indicator changes synchronously with the direction of the zigzag line. This makes the indicator absolutely useless, because it does not see the reversal level, it only shows the direction.

It is possible to supplement the 'Laws' with a new item:

16. Forget all 15 laws above and do not follow them to save your time and deposit.

Hello Eugene! Firstly, thank you very much for the video material about Doctor of Engineering, holder of numerous awards of the USSR and Russia, the dream of Intel and ARM-Avsei computer technology, Boris Ergashevich Babayan,_%D0%91%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81_%D0%90%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87

from watching his video-lecture I had a great pleasure and felt proud of the soviet and russian school and system of science education, which the lauded west is up to heaven! I have written down many of his speeches in my treasury and will follow them. Chief among them are confidence in his strength and knowledge, open disdain for Western scientists and Western technology, the ability to build a team of collaborators committed to his ideas and much more.

Most importantly - to bring his research to an unimproved result(!), after which there is nothing to improve for the opponents of all his developments! But the objective reality of those times, forced him to leave Russia and become the apple of the eye of INTEL. The baggage of knowledge and excessive confidence in his strength and capabilities, despite his venerable age, amazes me! Our scientists, opponents of all stripes, revisionists from science and all those who neglect their scientific staff should take an example from the existing reality in the person of one man!

Unfortunately, while remaining the consummate expert in computer technology on the practical side, he admits that in the theory of the matter he is definitively behind the developed ideas for improvements in this field, which, in no way diminishes his merits.

He is not shy to emphasize, "I did it with my team, which the West is 50 years or more ahead of!" And all of this while we see that Western technology is everywhere around us ahead of ideas.

In Tajik, the word ARTICLE is translated from Arabic as "I Said..." and does not leave the author any hope for excuses because if he did not say it right, eternal shame is assured forever among the scientific community. Therefore, each researcher tries to follow this tacit, principle and not to make mistakes in this area, except for those who, professionally, from the sidelines and/or openly, plagiarize.

However, there are grief-opponents like "Doctor" or you who go to great lengths to denigrate authors of scientific papers for non-existent plagiarism and/or other omissions in the authors' work, and thus brand themselves as "omniscient experts" in the field. There is nothing unnatural in it, there is only jealousy and revealing of inner resentment and anger that why he, and not I made such a brave step! It is the nature of any person and it is inherent in his genes and he can not do anything with it. That is how nature has created a reasonable man.

Here, and I have been befallen by such a wickedness, trying, after 10 years, to question the thoughts and their conclusions, with which the whole scientific world is perfectly familiar in 7 languages of the world, who express only admiration in their comments, although they do not understand what it is about!

And the point is, in short, that Gauss, by inventing the method of least squares 200 years ago, was the sole leader in the field of factual processing of scientific results in all fields of science and industry, before my article appeared. Gauss's famous and popular work, covered only the linear domain of dependencies but, and this was immensely welcomed by researchers including Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein and all scientists of then and now. It is bribed by the simplicity of its ideas and its equally obvious execution, as Babayan says in his speeches, achieved "an unbeatable result" according to Gauss and the rest of the scientific community.

And suddenly, on February 7, 2011, there will be a thunderbolt from a clear sky, far leaving behind the efforts of Gauss and considering his Method of Least Squares as a special case of a more general dependence in the form of PNB!

The only trouble is that no one understands the power and strength of PNB, everyone shrugs their hands and says "It can't be!" and there is neither the strength nor the knowledge to understand the PNB phenomenon. Only the computer is on my side and proves my absolute correctness in solving not only linear but also the whole range of non-linear problems! Only now an irreducible result has been achieved! The credit goes to Eylr and Erlang, as underlined in the article.

PNB reveals any dependence on any variables, as long as that dependence is present. They are against permissiveness and swear in such a foul language in computer language that, you will not find an end to their gross errors when entering input data into the algorithm.

I consider as an outstanding achievement the fact that I managed to find a single and absolutely correct solution of the problem of determination of the key parameter n and coefficients of the Euler Gamma distribution and its variant, the Erlang, Tau and Vet distributions, through which the potential of system D is found, as shown in and presented in the form of formulae 12-14 (!!!). Even, GOST USSR and RF do not have an exact method for their determination and use approximate estimates of them. This fact is an unimproved result and I can proudly say everywhere: "I did it!"