Why an economic crisis is inevitable.


A question for the experts in fundamental analysis. Let's discuss the impending global crisis. I think this is the most important factor of the near future.

I have not found a direct and precise explanation for this phenomenon, as much as I have read about the models of the capitalist system crisis. It's all a roundabout thing... It seems to be a terrible mystery, if everyone keeps quiet about it like partisans.

Of course, a lot of very general statements such as: this is a contradiction between the public nature of production and the private nature of the appropriation of the results of this production. Or the impoverishment of the population is the cause of crises... Or capitalism cannot use productive resources efficiently... The financial sector has eaten up the real economy... The whole problem is debt... Derivatives... Globalisation... Currency instability... Fucking hell, shoot everyone, divide everything!

I think that's enough, although the list goes on and on.

But get to the numbers, gentlemen! Where's the model with the ability to make countable predictions? How much time do we have left? What to do?


Question for experts in fundamental analysis. Let's discuss the impending global crisis. I think this is the most important factor for the near future.

I have not found a direct and accurate explanation for this phenomenon, as much as I have read about the models of capitalist system crisis. It's all a roundabout thing... It seems to be a terrible mystery, if everyone keeps quiet about it like partisans.

Of course, a lot of very general statements such as: this is a contradiction between the public nature of production and the private nature of the appropriation of the results of this production. Or the impoverishment of the population is the cause of crises... Or capitalism cannot use productive resources efficiently... The financial sector has eaten up the real economy... The whole problem is debt... Derivatives... Globalisation... Currency instability... Fucking hell, shoot everybody, divide everything!

I think that's enough, although the list goes on and on.

But get to the numbers, gentlemen! Where's the model with the ability to make countable predictions? How much time do we have left? What to do?

I will write the truth that no one ever tells. No one, absolutely no one knows the cause of the crisis. Nowhere is there a mathematical model of economic development. Nobody knows how to run the state, nobody knows how to do the right thing. Nobody controls the situation, everything develops by itself and people cannot influence it, in any way. There are no people on earth who know the answer to the question you have asked. Those who say they know how to do it, they are lying 100%. Anyone who says they know, they are either lying or not smart enough. The development of crises is similar to the development of prices in the market. It is essentially the same formula, but no one has it.

Maxim Romanov:

I will write the truth that no one ever says. Nobody, absolutely nobody, knows the cause of the crisis. Nowhere is there a mathematical model of economic development. Nobody knows how to run the state, nobody knows how to do the right thing. Nobody controls the situation, everything develops by itself and people cannot influence it, in any way. There are no people on earth who know the answer to the question you have asked. Those who say they know how to do it, they are lying 100%. Anyone who says they know how, they are either lying or not smart enough. The development of crises is similar to the development of prices in the market. It is essentially the same formula, but no one has it.

A good start, waiting to see what the truth is that no one is telling.
A good start, waiting for the truth that no one is telling.

so that's the truth)) no one knows anything. I myself have studied so many economic theories... From uni to the present day, and there is no formula describing the behaviour of price from anything.

But they say they know it so they don't lose power or gain it. Here's an example: this president is bad. he doesn't know how to run the country, but me... know, choose me!!! No, you don't understand anything, only I know how to prevent a crisis. But in fact no one knows anything, one is lucky, the other is not.

It's like that with everything. "We are the best startup, give us money, we'll make even more," but in fact, sometimes those on whom no one bet on survive, and those on whom there was hope are dying at the stage of renting an office.

First course in macroeconomics)) The economy develops cyclically, divided into phases: recession, depression, recovery and rebound.
Anvar Shamov:
First course in macroeconomics)) The economy develops cyclically, divided into phases: recession, depression, recovery and rebound.

Why an economic crisis is inevitable. - it's all about cycles.

Anvar Shamov:
First course in macroeconomics)) The economy develops cyclically, divided into phases: recession, depression, recovery and recovery.

But these too are just words, like everything else I've listed in the thread. You need a mathematical model.

Anvar Shamov:
First course in macroeconomics)) The economy develops cyclically, divided into phases: recession, depression, recovery and recovery.

These are words that don't make sense. Cyclically how? To what level will there be a growth cycle and a decline cycle to what level, how long will the depression last? Under what conditions will it go wrong? Up to what level can there be a downturn that doesn't lead to bankruptcy? It's not a law, it's an observation, a "black cat crossed the road" type of observation.


Elder, I think, gave this example... on the Dow chart I have circled the black Monday of 1987... Ifyou read about the event, it becomes clear that no one knows the reasons, only general words that apply to any other day. the trigger is unknown.

I support Maxim Romanov's opinion: no one knows - the model is not clear to anyone.

Igor Zakharov:

Elder, I think, gave this example... on the Dow chart I have circled the black Monday of 1987... If you read about the event, it becomes clear that no one knows the reasons, only general words that apply to any other day. the trigger is unknown.

I support Maxim Romanov's opinion: no one knows - the model is not clear to anyone.

No, I think everything can be analysed, including the economy.
who said anything about cycles, the answer is: the question is not whether it will or will not happen (who believes in perpetual growth?), but when and on what scale. the whole world is cyclical, everyone knows that winter will come, the question is when and whether it will be severe.