From theory to practice - page 969


A dilemma has arisen!

Do the calculations include the zero increments? Calculations are different naturally for W - window and N - number of non-zero increments.

What do the physicists say?


Or maybe you don't like the pound?


I forgot to remind you that the first block is important).
Yuriy Asaulenko:

Multiply by 100.

I know what to do.) I just want to talk.

Seems like it's only after the paycheck that you start chatting. I have a paycheck any day. I understand that physicists have it once a month((.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Yesterday is better than today)))

Reading this thread and the MO too. Interesting people. The most "brains" have gathered, but the output is nil. Aleksey Vyazmikin still have prospects, while others have a severe chronic case.

There are about 1000 pages of handwritten text, and the result is not off the charts. It's true that A_2 occasionally takes the lead. But with this strategy, it's a temporary joy.

No one owes or can demand anything. They may share their experience and knowledge if they wish. Everyone gives away secrets unintentionally. Especially those who talk a lot. Whoever knows how to grasp them is a winner.

So it happened(s), that has tested the strategy and it's 270 points in + (while the overrated risk would have been 500 +) for 1.5 months. The main topvicecret is not to place a stop closer than 50 points, and everything else follows from this.


As it turned out, the strategy has been tested, so what the hell with it - 270 points in + (and it would be 500+ with an overestimated risk) for 1.5 months. The main topvicecret is not to put a stop closer than 50 points, and everything else follows from this.

There are two priority values for the stop. Either too small or too big. It depends on many factors. Deposit size, entry percentage of the deposit, market condition, market expectations and many other factors. In some cases two spreads are enough. And it takes an art to close a deal on time. On Friday you can and should))

Алексей Тарабанов:

Sorry, I didn't know. I thought all circuit engineers were morons.

You were wrong. That's me!

Proud of a well-deserved title. Tractor drivers promoted))

Uladzimir Izerski:

:))) Uladzimir! (I don't know what kind of name that is, just Vova).

Well, Vova -

1) Do not be offended, you need to cover all charges unrestrained profit. Do you have it? Show me the signal, please.

2) You don't have enough theory! The charts are beautiful, no doubt, but what's the use? One has to think of those who suffer - it is the conceptual thread of this entire thread, that contradicts your and Asaulen's notions of misleading.

3) Bottom line: in comparison with Che, who fights like a lion, helps the feeble-minded, points out problems, etc., you, like Alexey Vyazmikin in the MO thread, create a kind of a stench, in which the devil himself can't understand...

Somehow... No offence...

Uladzimir Izerski:

You are mistaken. This is me!

Proud of a well-deserved title. Tractor drivers promoted))

What rank?


:))) Uladzimir! (I don't know what kind of name that is, just Vova).

Well, Vova.

1) Do not be offended, you need to cover all charges unrestrained profit. Do you have it? Show me the signal, please.

2) You don't have enough theory! The charts are beautiful, no doubt, but what's the use? One has to think about the poor - it is a conceptual thread of this thread, that contradicts your and Asaulen's notions of misleading.

3) Bottom line: in comparison with Che, who fights like a lion, helps the feeble-minded, points out problems, etc., you, like Alexey Vyazmikin in the MO thread, create a kind of a stench, in which the devil himself can't understand...

Somehow... No offence...

No offence taken at all. It just amuses me in the networks. I'm a scorpion. And that says it all.))

Do you really think I or anyone else is going to give you a ready-made solution?

Knowledge is collected in bits and pieces like a grain of wheat. No one gives it away for free. Those masterpieces of creativity from me for the inquisitive ready-made answer to many questions.

But I am not going to chew it up and put it in everybody's mouth. Sorry about that. Competition be damned)).