Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 567


(There are spikes without volumes) What do you think is their characteristic? Why does this happen? I'm talking about vertical swings in the candles

The volume close is also a change in the balance between buying and selling, which causes the price to move

for example

you close the buy, where will the price move?

Renat Akhtyamov:

closing volume is also a change in the balance between buying and selling, which causes the price to move


you close the buy, where will the price go?





Renat Akhtyamov:

Hi there!

Killed 10 years ;))))))))))))))))

Here it comes!

remind me again about pyramiding, please.

I want to get into it.

Hi - replied in private - see if the message arrived - it didn't show up for me...

Renat Akhtyamov:


sorry confused opening and closing


Hi - replied in private - see if the message arrived - it didn't show up for me...




sorry confused opening and closing

I mean.

price movements are affected by any change in buying or selling volumes.

that's been cleared up.

now let's go back.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Not the Grail, just a regular Moneyball!

Ognemiroff, 2020.06.07 20:10

I've spent a lot of years like you, but I want to hear your opinion.

But answer the question.

Let's take that SB Market, the axiom of thechanalysis (history repeats itself) does not exist. Consequently, the patterns, as such, do not exist either. Pruefs are the modulation of the market. Then how do you even try to predict something? How do you know you don't build castles in the air? Just don't use formulae.

We understand that if the price has changed, it means that one of the volumes has changed.

So we visually observe the volume change and we can calculate it.

so what else do you need?

Renat Akhtyamov:

price movements are affected by any change in the volume of buying or selling.

that's been figured out.

Now let's go back

the reverse method, we understand that if the price changes, it means that one of the volumes has changed.

so we're visually observing a change in volumes.

so what else do we need?

we should not only know the fact of changes, but also correlate the volumes with the price.

Just to illustrate: on Monday, from 14 to 15, the price went up 50 pips, and on Tuesday, at the same time, it went up 100 pips. Where is the larger volume?

Maxim Kuznetsov:

you need to know not only the fact of the change, but also to correlate the volumes from the price.

Just to illustrate: on Monday from 14 to 15, the price went up 50 pips, on Tuesday at the same time by 100 pips. Where is the larger volume?

Maxim, the price movement is a multiple of the volume change

i.e. where 100 is
Renat Akhtyamov:

Maxim, the price movement is a multiple of the volume change

i.e. where 100 is

In my opinion, it is not a multiple, unfortunately. Volume of 100500 can be almost instantaneous (you buy a part of the cup) or "drop by drop" over the course of an hour.
In both cases, the volume is the same, the difference for the owner is the average final price, and in the movement of quotes for all others.

Even the resulting quote will be different. In theory both results will converge somewhere in the distant future, but everything will change during this time :-)