Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 340

He started out trolling the man himself - whose posts encouraged him to create his'grail' - and then changed his ways and, without even thanking him, became a straightforward underdog)))).
I've read their altercation in this thread.
vices are vices...
He started out trolling the man himself - whose posts encouraged him to create his 'grail' - and then changed his ways and, without even thanking him, became a straightforward underdog)))).
I've read their altercation in this thread.
vices are vices...

I read the whole thread. There was a time - some French Bill Gates (De-Bill) stuck it to him with an Excel spreadsheet "incremental modulus difference". Joker proved to him that what he was pushing on the chart is just a property of normal distribution and is not applicable to trading. After Joker has posted his result, the same crazy moron begins to register under numerous nicknames and start clowning around. In gratitude these multiple nicks were banned by the admins as far as possible and the thread calmed down for a while. But the degree of schizophrenia in that dude was off the charts.

Sounds like two boots of the same pair to me.
Sounds like two boots of the same pair to me.
And to me, the difference between them is incommensurable. The Joker has shown everything on real accounts more than once, and that other one is a real schizoid.
At that time many people had many clones, you couldn't tell who was standing on whom, and neither can you now. Your clone is someone's clone too, in your past life you were some kind of Roman))). Nevertheless you have decided not to call yourself a schizoid). Just as I have not found that someone has sold something to someone, I have not found the opposite, that someone has proved something to someone. That's why I said my opinion-two boots of one pair. In fact, one expressed his thoughts, these thoughts inspired the other to do something to bring to mind what he did not work, that's all. Clownery was no less from fans like you, who later here almost canonized him, although in fact nothing really valuable this Joker did not put.
over a man whoseposts encouraged him to create his 'grail' and then re-shopped and, without even thanking him, became a straight-up unappreciative))))


The fucked up dude with the excel spreadsheet is spoiled again. Fuck me, this thread has been around since 2012 and he's been snooping around for almost 5 years now. No wonder you got your head blown off. Your posts just got a lot of people banned, and I've seen your spreadsheet. It has nothing to do with spread trading at all. I wouldn't be surprised if the admins cut a lot of information with you again.



the fucking dude with the excel spreadsheet got busted again. Shit, this thread has been around since 2012 and he's been on it for almost 5 years now. No wonder you got your head blown off.

That's what I'm talking about, you don't notice your schizophrenia anymore. Keep looking for ghosts in everyone who has a slightly different opinion. Please keep it within the rules, you're not alone here, it's common for you to swear at strangers and attribute your paranoid thoughts to them. Otherwise, God forbid you get banned and you'll be rebuked as another clone of me and accuse me again that it's not you but I'm someone's clone)))).
It's clones like that that pollute the thread with their foul language and lunacy, which is probably why they cut it. Maybe you're an exculpatory Joker clone.
Yeah, that's where I'm at.
Vices... vices... and a whole forest in my eyes.
I suggest you get a bit of a fix. Invite the Admins in and ask them who's here and whose clone it is. Calling, or are you getting the jitters?

That's it!

He's going to get the dude!!!
