Ward 6 - page 55


Unfortunately, these skins cannot be inserted, the forum does not accept them.
Here it is, a clear demonstration of the level of intelligence :-) you said it yourself.
Here it is, a clear demonstration of the level of intelligence :-) you said it all yourself.

not yourself, but yourself.

you're on the forum.

Don't stoop to backstabbing.

That's exactly what I am. It is not my fault that in some indigenous languages the natives solve their complexes by introducing artificial plural references to themselves. In, say, English, there is no such idiocy. You and you. By name. A girl of 20 years old refers to a billionaire of 80. It has to be. And you have to get rid of your complexes, yes.

Well, if you don't accept society and its "morons" then you need to be alone.
Why would you do that? You can be in a society of normal people, without complexes, who do not react acutely to normal (!!!) address and do not demand to address themselves in the plural. Some people even have an appropriate coat of arms: two heads with three crowns on them...

You're on your own. It is not my fault that in some indigenous languages natives solve their complexes by introducing artificial plural forms of address to themselves.

come on :)

Germans are senile

the Japanese are senile

you can immediately see the level of such judgements.

In, say, English, there is no such idiocy in principle. You and you. By name. A girl in her 20s refers to a billionaire in his 80s. It has to be. And you have to get rid of your complexes, yes.

I can even tell you how to access an English-language forum.


don't you think?


no way :)

Germans are senile

the Japanese are senile

Talk to the Japanese and Germans. They poke everyone. I checked it out.

You don't think so?

I go there a lot. Mostly as a reader. So?
Talk to the Japanese and Germans. They poke everyone. I checked it out.

They seem to poke you personally for being pissed off at everyone?
I.e. on strong movements, the filter allows no trades to be opened.
Strong conclusion. No, the filter does not "allow" anything at all. It is you who decides on trades. The filter just shows the "level", which is similar to the "average" but without a lag. The question of the strength of the movement and its direction should be ignored. The market will decide by itself where and how much to move. Do not overthink it. The super-efficient averaging will occur automatically. You just do not have to open in obviously wrong directions (which are prompted by the SMA).

it sounds like they've pissed you off personally that you're pissed off at everyone?
Why personally, they are very nice people. I bought photodiodes at the beginning of the year at Hamamatsu Photonics. Russian-speaking people (official representative office) announced delivery term of at least 9 weeks. Delivery time was 2 weeks and delivery. Together we managed to talk sense into the Moscow natives. And so, yes, on a first-name basis, on a first-name basis. We were communicating in pindonian.