Technical analysis. Truth or fiction? - page 6

Yes, if you can call it that.

So the analysis is present...

So the analysis is present...

The main thing is to match all the numbers from the market with the numerological interpretation of the combination of the account number, the amount of money in it and your own surname, then success is 100% guaranteed.

You are just like little children, I tell you.

It has long been known that a deposit placed on a new moon is 99.9% likely to be successfully wiped out, and the account must always be blessed.

And transactions must be opened with the left hand and closed with the right.

What am I -- the obvious?


Let's share some really useful tips!

For example, before opening a trade on the real, I always open a demo in the opposite direction. The market is a fool )


Let's better share some really useful tips and tricks!

I open a position on the demo especially in the opposite direction before opening it on the real account. The market is a fool.)

But after the opening I immediately make a voodoo doll of the corresponding currency. I poke and prod needles in it. If the resistance level is strong, I hammer nails into it. You can't skimp here.

The real market is run by me at times like this. The hammer. The truth is, there are setbacks. Recently, on a pullback, the axe smashed both the doll and the table. But I put the market back in the trend.


You scary people! Nails, axes, new moon....

I have a strategy that is so peaceful and kind!

If the cat sleeps on its left side, I buy it, if it sleeps on its right side, I sell it, if it wakes up and asks for food, I close... ))))


You scary people! Nails, axes, new moon....

I have a strategy that is so peaceful and kind!

If the cat sleeps on its left side, I buy it, if it sleeps on its right side, I sell it, if it wakes up and asks for food, I close... ))))

I've tried it with cats. I don't have my own, but the street's full of 'em. Quietly come up behind me and kick my ass.

Then you have to watch. If he goes low, we settle him. And vice versa. It worked well, for a long time, until the cats were gone.


I've tried it with cats. I don't have one of my own, but there's plenty of them outside. I come up quietly from behind and kick it in the ass.

Then you have to watch. If it's low, we'll settle it. And vice versa. It worked well, for a long time, until the cats were gone.

No, different cats are like quotations (ha!) from different DCs - you have to have one trusted and preferably your own!

Nah, different cats are like quotes (gee!) from different DCs - you have to have one proven and preferably your own!

Is that the one in the picture? Do you rent it out? If so, send me a quote in person, plz))
My opinion is that it is a complete fiction, especially the different figures, waves, etc., as they are only beautifully seen in the past, and in a real time chart they cannot be seen in any way, everyone can see a different figure)))