Interesting and humorous - page 184


North Korea has offered Russia assistance in creating a "Russian Internet"

"North Korea's embassy has offered Russian IT companies to hire several dozen Korean programmers, testers and other specialists to fill the shortage of personnel in the Russian IT market"(c)



That's always like that - started with icing, but ended up with a toilet.

The political part of the thread has been removed, let's talk more about fun and humour.

This forum is apolitical and will remain so, so as not to give the authorities a reason for repression.
That is the position of its organisers.

Eh, how much fun it was in the smoking room... I understand the position of the organisers, although I don't approve of it. And where is it customary now to exchange hm... arguments with the noble dons? You can give me the links in person, if it is not difficult. What I fell out of virtual reality, autumn, harvesting and all that. Wandered around places of military glory:) Boredom. And what battles were:)


North Korea has offered Russia assistance in creating a "Russian Internet"

"North Korea's embassy has offered Russian IT companies to hire several dozen Korean programmers, testers and other specialists to fill the shortage of personnel in the Russian IT market"(c)

It's probably a fun thing to do, but it's a waste of time.


It's probably a fun thing to do, but it's a waste of time.

By the keyword North Korea.
Watched the progress of Korean workers in Sakhalin, who were rented out to a fish factory by the founder of Juche in some cunning deal.
The Korean state received money for their work, and their employers provided dormitory accommodation, food and clothing.
For the first few months, they shipped products from the warehouse to customers without a buzz.
By the end of the year, the artel did not raise its ass until the client paid them cash on top of the loading fees already paid to the factory.
All in all, in just one year the workers had transformed from battered and obedient soldiers into an impudent band of extortionists.
This is what miracles the market economy does to the legacy of the totalitarian regime.

By the keyword North Korea.
Watched the progress of Korean workers in Sakhalin, who were rented out to a fish factory by the founder of Juche in some cunning deal.
The Korean state received money for their work, and their employers provided dormitory accommodation, food and clothing.
For the first few months, they shipped products from the warehouse to customers without a buzz.
By the end of the year, the artel did not raise its ass until the client paid them cash on top of the loading fees already paid to the factory.
All in all, in just one year the workers had transformed from battered and obedient soldiers into an impudent band of extortionists.
This is what miracles the market economy does to the legacy of the totalitarian regime.
What would happen if the North Korean authorities became aware of their behaviour? Would any of them have survived?
What would have happened if the North Korean authorities had become aware of their behaviour? Would any of them have survived?

No flamethrowers were brought in
What would have happened if the North Korean authorities had become aware of their behaviour? Would any of them have survived?

Just recently I read a book - just about North Korea.
Escape from a death camp- BLAINE HARDEN
Just look at the titles chapter by chapter... No comment...

I watched "The New Creation Theory .....".

It's a rare piece of crap. Thought it was a popular science video. But I suspected something was wrong from the second minute. It's an empty movie.

It turns out there is a gross material 3-dimensional world - where we live. And some "subtle" world (like, spiritual) - which is present invisibly! Photons (i.e. ordinary light) are representatives of the subtle world that bring us interaction with its essences ..... The Lord God, of course, rules it all here - with the help of his cosmic creators-oligarchs ...

And that's the kind of empty nonsense that goes on for 12 minutes! Gundyaev is obviously missing with his tricks with clocks. Well, maybe he'll show up. It's only the first part...

to leonid553 13.09.2014 16:18 # Just recently read a book - just about North Korea. Escape from Death Camp - BLEAN HARDEN Just look at the chapter headings... No comment... Thanks, informative and horrifying...