Interesting and humorous - page 181


A rue of the day:

Putin: - And we have gas in Russia! And what about you?

Yanukovych: - And we have a coup, here.

Lukashenko: - And we do not allow a coup by our people!

Putin: - And we have the Olympics.
What else do we need to be happy?
And all people are rejoicing. There!

Yanukovych: - And we have a cou p. Here...

Lukashenko: - But in our country
Thanks, of course, to me
There are neither poor nor rich,
All live only on their salaries

Putin: - And we will be able to ski in Sochi
Everyone will be able to relax.
Both bureaucrats and workers.
Such bliss!

Yanukovych: And we have a coup. Here.

Obama: - Well, all countries
send me potatoes, gas and bananas.
Who does not send bananas to me
- there is a coup. Here...


A rue of the day:

Putin: - And we have gas in Russia! And what about you?

Yanukovych: - And we have a coup, here.

Lukashenko: - And we do not allow a coup by our people!

Putin: - And we have the Olympics.
What else do we need to be happy?
And all people are rejoicing. There!

Yanukovych: - And we have a cou p. Here...

Lukashenko: - But in our country
Thanks, of course, to me
There are neither poor nor rich,
All live only on their salaries

Putin: - And we will be able to ski in Sochi
Everyone will be able to relax.
Both bureaucrats and workers.
Such bliss!

Yanukovych: And we have a coup. Here.

Obama: - Well, all countries
send me potatoes, gas and bananas.
Who does not send bananas to me
- there is a coup. Here...

Cool!!!! Especially the one about Obama.... :-)))) We know what bananas they have there.....

Trollface" (in the original coolface), a comic strip with a snide face, has recently become famous among active social media users.

But not many people know the terrible secret behind this harmless internet joke.
And not many people know who the real author is.



Myth: No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 8 times. (In fact, the current record is already 12 times, held by Brittney Gallivan). Reality: If you have a big enough piece of paper - and enough energy to fold it - you can fold it as many times as you like. However, there's a problem here: If you fold it 103 times, the thickness of the stack of paper exceeds the size of the known universe - 93 billion light years. Seriously.

But how can a sheet one tenth of a millimetre thick become larger than the universe?

The answer is simple: Exponential growth. An average sheet of paper is 1/10th of a millimetre thick. If you fold it perfectly in half, its thickness doubles. But then things get really interesting.

A third folding will give you the thickness of a human fingernail.

Seven folds and you get a notebook that's 128 pages thick.

10, and the paper is about the width of the palm of your hand.

23, and you get a stack of paper a kilometre high.

30 folds will take you into space. At that point, your sheet will be 100 kilometres high.

Keep folding. 42 folds will take you to the moon. 51 will take you to the Sun.

Now fast-forward to the 81st fold and you'll get a stack of paper 127.786 light-years thick - this is almost equal to the diameter of the Andromeda Nebula (which is about 141,000 light-years).

90 folds would give 130.8 million light years - that's more than the Virgo Supercluster, which is about 110 million years in diameter. The Virgo Supercluster contains a local galaxy group that includes the Andromeda Nebula, our own Milky Way, and about a hundred other galaxies.

Finally, on 103 fold you will reach beyond the observable Universe, which is estimated to be 93 billion light-years in diameter.

The maths is amazing, friends. And so is our universe itself.


The rune on the Himmler ring . Do you find it on the facades of a modern church?

Himmler designed the facades?