Interesting and humorous - page 179


That's a lot of nonsense to draw before this iron.


A woman's complaint.

Married early - Fool...
You don't get married, you're a fool...
Can't find a decent man - Stupid ugly...
Early childbirth, you're a slut...
You don't give birth, you're sick...
Give birth to one - small...
You give birth to many - Where did you get it? ...
You work, you work hard...
You don't work, you're lazy...
If you don't want anything, you're an idiot...
You want a car, a flat and a holiday by the sea...
If you study, you're an idiot...
If you don't study, you're a BLEEP!!!

Our people cannot live in silence!!!

It comes to mind from A Dog in the Hay:

♪ Look at the maidens from the right vantage point ♪
♪ Pour it from the honey barrel ♪
But add tar to the honey.
I'll ask you to understand my method:

If you're too fond of women,
"If you're too fond of a woman, look for the flaws in her charms.
# It'll make everything so much easier
A girl who's slender, we'll say: Powers!

A clever girl, we'll call ugly,
♪ A kind girl, we'll call a crazy girl ♪
"Softly, she's a sticky one.
"A stern one is a mean one.

¶ call a flirtatious one a whore ¶
¶ say cheerful, she's a fly ¶
¶ chubby, she'll soon burst with fat ¶
♪ And the generous one's a spender ♪

And the thrifty one? - We'll baptise her as a miser!
If she's small? - As tall as a fig!
If she's tall? - Then she's a big boy!
In a day, you'll see,
In a day, you'll see,
In a day, you'll see,

Love is cold!


Speaking of women...


Speaking of women...


It's beautiful! ))
Russian hockey team knocked out of home Olympics
Russian hockey team knocked out of home Olympics
Epic, but predictable.
Russian hockey team knocked out of home Olympics
A madam was shown crying. Like it's a pity they lost... Ya, ya, ya... I immediately wondered how much she left with the bookie...
The madam was shown crying. Like, sorry they lost... Ya, ya, ya, ya... I immediately wondered how much she had left with the bookie...

Shame on you... You are not a patriot ... :-)))

Yes patriotism is the most profitable source of income for bookmakers.

I read somewhere that English bookmakers alone make £50m on national team losses.

When MT4 updates itself, I feel like my pants have been taken off and rifled through )(.....