EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 683

EricGR писал(а) >>
Good afternoon everyone, I was coming back from a business trip this morning and I looked at the rates on my mobile phone... it made me sick to my stomach what I saw on the pound... 1.6270 dropped right in front of my eyes!!! eh.... By the time I got to the computer it was 1.6370.... and would have bet from the bottom on the long term... the drop is -270-320 I knew it was going to be close to the maximum ... I knew the drop -270-320, I knew it... I should have put a hold on it((...)

While you were back there eating your fill, we were fighting with the Chinks. Only I was fighting with DC like I always do, and I didn't open up on the Saigon.

Helex >> :

While you were back there eating your fill, we were fighting with the Chinks. Only I was fighting with the DCs as usual, but I didn't open on the Saigon

I saw that miracle, in general I want to say that such a volatility after the US session and between Tokyo I have never seen such fairy tale moves! Yes i missed a lot!!! The Eurodollar surprised!!!

Helex >> :

While you were back there eating your food, we were out here fighting the Chinks.

>> cr0ss is gonna cross his sword with your helmet for saying that.)


it's all explained here:

OlegTs >> :

it's all explained here:

"The pound/dollar pair, following technical indicators, will continue to decline in the short to medium term. The main support levels are: 1,6290, 1,6125."

I was aiming for growth... and based on the words of the Fibo... reverse the deal...? What about the 50% reversal, from should be... I'm counting on it... a pullback from the general trend of 16877-16270!

any tips?

Helex писал(а) >>

While you were back there eating your fill, we were fighting with the Chinks. Only I was fighting with the DCs as usual, and I didn't open up on the Saigonians.

The first question is, who's a Saigon? If memory serves me correctly, Saigon is the former Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam. Or do you have another Saigon? I don't think Vietnamese currency is traded on fore...

And secondly, about the narrow-minded. I certainly do not cross, and the sword will not cross, and although I myself live among the non-Russians and can not say that I directly love them, but ... somehow distressing words like that. Maybe you could express yourself more accurately?


Of course, I did not expect such a fast fall and pullback on the Eurobucks and GBPbucks, but all the planned buy orders triggered at the very bottom! So the loss made from the yen compensated with an excess

Just in case, I put the pending orders at the bottom again, to see if the double bottom will do it

EricGR писал(а) >>

"The pound/dollar pair, following technical indicators, will continue to decline in the short to medium term. The main support levels are: 1,6290, 1,6125."

I was aiming for growth... and based on the words of the Fibo... reverse the deal...? And what about the 50% reversal, from should be... I'm counting on it... a pullback from the general trend of 16877-16270!

any tips?

Another variant of events. Don't take it as an advertisement...

Alexan писал(а) >>

The first question is, who is Saigon? If my memory serves me right, Saigon is the former Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam. Or do you have another Saigon? I don't think Vietnamese currency is traded on fore...

And secondly, about the narrow-minded. I certainly do not cross, and the sword will not cross, and although I myself live among the non-Russians and can not say that I directly love them, but ... somehow distressing words like that. Maybe you could express yourself more accurately?

Singapore, what difference does it make to us Vietnamese?) Hi there, if you call a Singaporean a Saigonese it means a remark, but if you call a narrow-eyed man a narrow-eyed man it's just plain racist. Is a Negro a Negro, too? Everyone thinks what they want to think. As a child do you divide the world into light and dark? If a Negro is black then black, if I'm white then white, that's the fucking Russian language and I don't want to puzzle over words and conjecture. You break your head and pick up expressions, soon the Negro will have nothing to say except Eeeeeeeeeeee and that will be an insult, because the Negro is not what we are used to, for some people, it's an insult. So the Japanese, Chinese, etc. were very narrow-minded and will die very narrow-minded and nothing can be done about it except genetic engineering, but I think they will go from one extreme to the other, as they do in their cartoons ...

Watch it at night before going to bed

Although I'm not Russian, I don't agree with Putin, "jerks" is already partly an insult )))) Or do you think homosexuality is the norm? ))))))))))))))) I personally do not........

And now homework: write down what you call the Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Koreans with one word.... maybe Pushkin knows, he had a rich vocabulary.


I have an acronym... People of the Narrow World View- " LUVOM"

they actually have a point, they are really quite narrow-minded collectively but each of them harvests their own little idea and the sum total turns out to be something global)))) so sharp market movements appear during the Asian session)))