Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 69

Mischek писал(а) >>

Teach me how to do it.

How do you play forex? How do you write EAs?

Yurixx >> :

How do you play forex? How do you write EAs?

I don't play, I work.

Anything else?

You gonna teach me?

Yurixx >>: So why is it easier to defend the immutability of your flawed position than to expand your consciousness? Because it's a very simple process called cognition. And it consists precisely in the rejection of more flawed beliefs in favour of less flawed ones. :-)

Hi, Yuri.

Well, firstly, let us be frank: cognition, or extension of consciousness, is not always the aim of a man or a group of men, however much we would like to think so.

Secondly, a person, once spoken out, is very often ready to vehemently defend their flawed belief further - certainly not out of love of the truth, but out of an attempt to remain right before others (in reality, of course, this is self-deception). Flexibility in convictions is not inherent in man and is even condemned in society.

Man is a very irrational creature who manages to combine absolutely contradictory axioms in his model of the world.

Mischek писал(а) >>

Not playing, working.

Anything else on the subject?

Will you teach me?

I can certainly try, but it's a private matter.

Just a little clarification. You don't actually have to teach, you have to learn. Without it there will be no result.

Yurixx >> :

You could certainly try, but it's a private matter.

Oh, no, that's where I missed you.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Hi Yuri.

Well, first of all, let's be frank: cognition, or expansion of consciousness, is not always the goal of a person or a group of people, however much we would like to think so.

Secondly, a person, once spoken out, is very often ready to vehemently defend their flawed belief further - certainly not out of love of the truth, but out of an attempt to remain right before others (in reality, of course, this is self-deception). Flexibility in beliefs is not inherent in man and is even condemned in society.

Man is a highly irrational creature, who manages to combine completely contradictory axioms in his model of the world.

1. I did not say that cognition is an end. Cognition is a means, the most universal of all.

2. Trying to be right in front of others is a way of self-assertion, a need of the unsatisfied ego. If communication turns into a competition between two self-asserting subjects, there will be no use, only a tug-of-war. It will be bad for both of them. If communication is a way of exchanging information, in particular, one's own opinion, then there is no confrontation, no struggle. Then it enriches both. One does not have to agree, just accept the arguments as food for thought. Without prejudice and without the urge to get on top.

Therefore, I fully agree with your remark about flexibility of opinion, but I am talking about something else, a balanced, unbiased approach, regardless of whether the question concerns a person personally or not, whether it corresponds to their beliefs or contradicts them.

I did not take anything for granted in the said text, but I did not dismiss anything as fiction either. And, by the way, I have not offered it to anyone as the ultimate truth. But cheap and superficial labels are just that - a desire to close one's eyes and stick one's head in the sand. It makes sense to perceive the picture as a whole, rather than clinging to individual specks of colour.

Mischek писал(а) >>

Oh, no, that's where I missed you.

Which is exactly what I needed to prove. Then why bother? :-)

Yurixx >> :

Which was the point. Then why go to the trouble? :-)

Learn here, what's the problem

Galaxy >> :

A typical old bestseller, built like a house of cards, for maniacal conspiracy theorists, designed primarily to make money off of anti-American hysteria, tabloid style.

"The devil's greatest trick is to convince everyone that he doesn't exist"

I don't remember who said it... (probably from some movie).

Of course, the easiest thing to say is that it does not exist, especially when you consider that people are talking about it day and night on TV (I guess :-), I do not have a TV, but I remember from the times when I had one). But when one rejects something one simply does not believe in, one may well reject the truth. People's attitudes will change over time, as they have changed over the centuries about church, life, death, power, etc. Now of course the easiest way to say that there is no "conspiracy" (I personally find it hard to call it a conspiracy, but it is a commonly accepted word) since most will simply take it on faith, it need not be proven, at least for the bulk of people it is generally accepted-"CONspiracy" NO, whereas if you say that there is a "conspiracy" most will require FACTs. Although, one must admit there are examples to the contrary ("The Spirit of Time" for example)... Let's assume that there is a "conspiracy", then ask yourself what is wrong (?), of course for me as for a "free" person, there is nothing good :-), well, because it is not accepted now, that all implanted some tracking chips and each action of a person is tracked and evaluated whether it is correct or not, but if it happens, then over time it will become common practice. And what will happen if people are not controlled, do you think it will be much better (?), personally I highly doubt it, just give all people prosperity and uncontrolled reproduction, in 100 years the whole earth will be one big puddle of shit. So one can only judge the "horrors" of this "conspiracy" if one knows the true goals of the "conspirators". It is hardly a collection of freaks who only wish to destroy all mankind, though of course not excluded :-). But to achieve great happiness, one must sometimes pass through great misfortunes, and the longer one runs, the greater will be these misfortunes, in the end, humanity has not yet got used to the fact that space on earth is limited.

In general it is not necessary to assert that "conspiracy" is or to prove with bubbles that it does not exist, it is useless it is if you have not spent any own investigation of this question (in what I very much doubt), and your opinion it probably at all and not your opinion it is what the majority of people believe in NOW, it is necessary to accept that it can be and can not be, then you in any case will not be mistaken :-) . You may argue that 4 is not 5 :-).


What "conspiracy"? Come on. The guys are just doing serious things without regard for anyone else.

A conspiracy must be directed against something: the ruler, the government, the system as a whole.

But why all these conventions, when the whole world is in your hands and there are no limits to your intentions ...

And regarding the prolonged verbal duel: someone is obviously a bad trader, because he went short at the very bottom and is persistently going against the u-trend =)

And he does not even use a stop loss. ;-)

Плохой трейдер скорее разведётся со своей супругой, чем откажется от своих позиций. Приверженность к идеям - не самая хорошая вешь для трейдеров, учёных или кого угодно.

(N. Taleb)