Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 75

130 metres. We'll see.

What's up with the rioters, have they seen the light?

They probably ate Perkins and ate Investigations from the Ground Up for dessert.)

Zhunko писал(а) >>\

There are bound to be cataclysms destroying people in large numbers.

It could be unknown diseases...

7 Americans have contracted an unknown type of swine flu

and I've been waiting for americans to release what bacillus into the world - didn't wait long... :)

sab1uk >> :

What's up with the rioters, have they seen the light?

They probably ate Perkins and dined on Investigations From The Ground Up for dessert.)

bored? ))

>> i'm in the middle of construction, and i don't have much time.

downloaded everything, haven't listened or watched it yet



A universal obsession and consumption frenzy... Sucking up the planet...

How long can this go on? There is bound to be a defence against this contagion. There are bound to be cataclysms destroying people in large numbers.




It is already happening. For example, the tsunami in Indonesia and Thailand. 130,000 people. The annual number of tornadoes in the Caribbean has increased.


Yes, the forces of equilibrium are the oldest forces in the universe, but it still kind of doesn't add up in the above theory (although I agree with many of the postulates conceptually, especially the senseless grind of resources). Neither Indonesia nor Thailand can be called consumption-obsessed territories (countries). They are the poorest nations. But the truly catastrophic sources of consumption remain untouched.

And as for linking the number of tornadoes to "pooping underneath" - the conclusions here are a bit premature. And that's putting it mildly. There are very few tornado statistics to compare with the Stone Age. Usually such phenomena have a rather complex pattern of occurrences, and they can easily be influenced by anything, such as the activity of the sun or something else.

But I thought you were referring to 2012. That's an interesting point too.

Nothing will happen. People have already gone to the point of complete hysteria (colleagues - not you :o). I've seen a few documentaries about Mayan predictions. It's amazing, how the Mayans knew the words "financial crisis" and the like (I can't remember all that nonsense now). What will not happen: everything will perish, everything will be reborn, vibrations will increase, transmutation, quantum transition, spiritual bodies will open, mental bodies will close... It seems that no one should be offended - everything has been found for everyone. A full menu. There's a demand - keep the supply :o)And there will be what we choose :o)

If there is an irrepressible urge to nail the Earth down, it may be done "for us", some sort of apophis, presumably with 1/45000 probability of hitting the Earth in 2036. And note that scientists cannot say for sure now (this is at the current level then). They will only be able to do so after 29 when they refine the orbit.

PS: And it is even more curious to compare it with Vedas, with Kabala, .... We are starting to sort of take the interpretation of sort of predictions seriously here, while archaeologists can't really figure out if the Mayans sacrificed people's hearts (to "feed time") or not.


Hello, Sergei! You've got it all mixed up. You can't be so straightforward: these people consume, and they should be nailed. Consumption is not the biggest problem of mankind.

Those who consume have already had their share - the crisis that you spoke so disdainfully of. It is not a reckoning or punishment or anything like that. It is just the first bell. Because the vast majority of people now (especially the mouthpieces of the American system) think that this crisis is one of many, there have been crises before, there will be crises after, we will survive. But there are people, including some great economists, including in America, who are saying that the crisis is systemic in nature and that the only way out of it is a PRINCIPAL overhaul of the entire global financial and economic system. Who is listening to them now? No one is listening. And the bell has rung. If nothing is done, if there is a return to the old ways, it will ring again, louder. If nothing happens again, it'll ring a bell on the head. Maybe more than once. Well, if mankind will continue its, well, you want self-destruction, be my guest.

One has to be completely blind not to see how signals coming from absolutely different spheres of life (crisis, resources, ecology, climate, politics, etc.), say the same thing: it is impossible to live like that, the system of values is absolutely inadequate, life on planet is not being created but destroyed. And then, when this destruction as a result of the accumulation of quantity will acquire a new quality, and a return becomes impossible, the house of cards will crumble, everyone will shout "ah, ah, how so, who would have thought, why do we need this? The laws of nature are LAWS. Both on the material plane (which no one doubts anymore) and on the spiritual, on all the subtle planes (which doesn't even occur to a modern "civilized", "educated" person). But ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility. Everyone knows this when it comes to human, legal laws. And when it comes to the laws of Nature, ignorance is ignorance. And it does not exempt either. But if from human laws we can somehow hide, escape, then from the laws of nature - nowhere! Therefore retribution is inevitable. And it does not matter in what form it will happen. In any form.

Если уж есть неудержимое желание прибить Землю

If it did, the Earth would have been gone long ago. It's not such a big task to nail down the Earth. But that phrase of yours assumes someone else's arbitrariness. That's the main worldview error here. There is no arbitrariness, there is Law. He who understands this seeks to know and live according to the Law. He who thinks he is the center of the universe, shouts "I am absolutely free, do not dare to limit me, what I want, what I will do. But for some reason, he doesn't throw himself off the 40th floor when he wants to fly. He knows he's going to crash, the bastard knows it.

You can compare it to the Kabbalah, too. According to the Kabbalah, mankind is 6000 years old. Now it's 5770, but that doesn't mean there's 230 years left. The number 6000 cannot be understood literally, to the exact day, hour, minute and second. In the first place, global processes have their own rate of development, and secondly, it largely depends on mankind. These 6000 years are reserved for mankind to solve certain tasks. If it does not cope with it, it will pass into oblivion.

And everything is all right with Vedas. No matter how long the day of Brahman lasts, it will be followed by night. And how long do you think the day of Brahman in which we live already lasts?

In short, it is the same story here. You have to have your head on your shoulders and use it properly. Then you can make sense of this flood of information, separate the sensible from the nonsense, fact from fiction, and prevent someone from brainwashing you. Even if you make a mistake somewhere, you will still be able to build the overall picture correctly, and you will be able to put all this seemingly meaningless pile of heterogeneous impulses in order. And, most importantly, draw the right practical conclusions for yourself.


Hi Yuri!

«Привет, Сергей ! Ну ты и намешал все в кучу. Нельзя же так все прямолинейно: эти потребляют, так их и к ногтю. Потребление далеко не самая большая проблема человечества.»

Here's one for you!!!!!, because it was me who responded to your post where you had "already started" and the first "who responded" were Indonesia and Thailand. I was just reading, and didn't attribute anything. :о)

"But that sentence of yours assumes someone else's arbitrariness. That's the main worldview error here."

There is no mistake - Chaos generates, it also kills. And arbitrariness is exactly within our "not knowing". Chaos is not all bad. If we see chaos it means we are looking at it from the wrong angle.But that's my phyphophobia :o)

"And there's nothing wrong with the Vedas. No matter how long the day of Brahman lasts, it will be followed by night. How long do you think the day of Brahman we live in lasts?"

Now is the age of calli (I think I spelled it right). And it will last for about 45,000 years (about 5,000 have already passed from "today"). So, the "peeping ground" is just beginning.

"By the Kabbalah you can also compare. According to the Kabbalah, humanity has 6000 years to live. Now it is 5770, but that doesn't mean there are 230 years left."

There are 230 years left until the eradication of selfishness in "mankind", not the end of the world. Kabbalah is a spiritual teaching.

"In short, it's the same story here. One must have one's head on one's shoulders and use it for its intended purpose. Then you can make sense of the flow of information, separate the sensible from the nonsense, the facts from the fiction, not let anyone brainwash you. Even if you make a mistake somewhere, you will still be able to build the overall picture correctly, and you will be able to put all this seemingly meaningless pile of heterogeneous impulses in order. And, most importantly, to draw the right practical conclusions for yourself."

That's what I mean too :o) To understand Maya predictions one should be Maya (at least possess the same vocabulary) and not scratching his/her head over pictures (I mean theorists).


A tsunami of this magnitude is simply a global phenomenon on Earth. The fact that Thailand and Indonesia were affected is important, but hardly crucial. From a certain level humanity appears on the subtle planes as a single entity, and as a single entity is responsible for its affairs. At other levels everyone will answer according to their karma.

By the way, the recent eruption in Italy does not give you something to think about?

And as for chaos, so there is chaos and chaos. The first is what you said. And the second is something else entirely, it is Nothingness, Vacuum, Nonexistence. This Chaos generates nothing and kills nobody. It generates you-know-who, and kills those who do not know and do not want to know the Laws of Being, who only want to fulfill their desires, who have only one king in their head - their egoism. As a result of this killing, everything returns to Chaos.


There is a huge difference between the teaching, its understanding by some people and the interpretation of some points by some people. Interpretation is what is most often found in available sources (internet, books, TV, ...).

99.99999% of doctrines and their interpretation is a perfect, fine-tuned mechanism to keep power, goals and people in general within a given framework. Yuri, just open up the Kabbalah and open up some "management theory" and you'll be surprised how much is in common.

Sadly, fear is deliberately placed at the core of interpretations/(read - management). And that is just too bad, that is the crisis - and not the financial mechanisms - that is nonsense As long as fear is the basis - there will never be perfect mechanisms for any kind of equitable financial management, never. There is simply no environment in which such mechanisms can be created. What they are going to do now will sooner or later turn into evil, because they are born in evil (oh, how clever! :o), just in the best traditions of fantasy :o).

The structure is complex, you just can't see it at first glance.

«Кстати, недавнее извержение в Италии разве не дает повод задуматься ?»

You just won't believe it, and for nothing. Nature doesn't give a damn about man. And just like it doesn't give a shit about locusts and termites (comparable to the consumer society), sharks and other predators and victims. Biomass is being destroyed as much as humans. It is not this that needs to be analysed, but for example the military operations of the Americans in particular and NATO.

"And as for chaos, so there is chaos and chaos."

No, there is one chaos worthy of having a name of its own - Chaos. Everything else is a manifestation of this great and incomprehensible. :о) There's no point in arguing about it - just look at the literal dynamics of changes of views in physics over the last 100 years and everything becomes perfectly clear - we know nothing about anything and no one. One just needs to be patient and wait to be convinced of that once again.