Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 67


Deal with the Devil

The world is lining up to be a friend of the US
Galaxy писал(а) >>

Deal with the Devil

The world is lining up to be a friend of the US

IMHO, propaganda cheapskate. Even the title, which has nothing to do with the text, attests to this. Apparently even the author of this commissioned text would have difficulty answering who he is calling the devil and what the deal is.

Galaxy, if I were your opponent I would say that this text comes under a different rubric - "US capitulation to new realities". In fact both are just manipulative clichés as primitive as the text itself. Dig deeper !


Here, for all lovers of factual material, information for reflection and independent reflection on real processes in the world, and especially for my friend Timbo, I offer the following text:

Although it is already 6 years old, very few people know about it and many other things written there. The statements that it is no longer topical will not be accepted and will be qualified as cowardice and hypocrisy, an inability to face the truth. The text is topical because it gives an opportunity to be convinced from the height of the past 6 years that certain predicted consequences of events really took place, and therefore the offered version and contents of these events are much closer to the truth, than all those official trash, which the American propaganda feeds to the whole world. But it is not even a question of propaganda, but of understanding what and how forces are really driving the world. And at the same time, it is about understanding the goals that these forces set. Anyone who supports these forces, even if only in words, supports these goals and helps to achieve them.


there's a 9/11 movie. what's the point? ( it's already been discussed here )

Невозможно представить себе, чтобы "Аль-Каида", или талибы, или разведка Ирака оказались в состоянии завладеть таким количеством суперсекретных шифров и кодов. Если это и было кому-то по силам, то разве что советской разведке в период расцвета СССР (и то сомнительно).

And they say we can't ))

Finally, Meissan draws attention to the fact that as many as 5 intelligence agencies knew about terrorist attacks being prepared and warned the U.S. authorities: German, Egyptian, French, Israeli and Russian .

BARS писал(а) >>

there's a 9/11 movie. what's the point? (this has already been discussed here)

What's the point you're looking for in this forum?

There must be at least half a dozen movies about 9/11, so what?

There's a joke about policemen:

Two of them are going to a third one's birthday party.

- What should we get him?

- Give him a book, they say it's the best present.

- He's already got one.


See where I'm going with this?


What has changed?

Those who can understand that the collapse did not happen out of the blue, they already understood it without any articles or movies. They also understood that it cannot be true that some teriki from the caves with alu people can fly the plane.)

What's next?

Life has become better?

I don't give a damn - what can I do like you?

So there is nothing to talk about.

Yurixx >> :

Here, for all lovers of factual material, information for reflection and independent reflection on real processes in the world, and especially for my friend Timbo, I offer the following text:

Although it is already 6 years old, not many people know about it and many other things written there. The statement that it is no longer topical will not be accepted and will be qualified as cowardice and hypocrisy, an inability to face the truth. The text is topical because it gives an opportunity to be convinced from the height of the past 6 years that some predicted consequences of events really took place, and therefore the offered version and contents of these events are much closer to the truth, than all those official trash, which the American propaganda feeds to the whole world. But it is not even a question of propaganda, but of understanding what and how forces are really driving the world. And at the same time, it is about understanding the goals that these forces set. Anyone who supports those forces, even if just in words, supports those goals and helps to achieve them.

Have you already stopped beating your wife? Please answer unequivocally: yes or no. Any other answers qualify as cowardice and hypocrisy, an inability to face the truth.

Yurixx >> :

Here, for all lovers of factual material, information for reflection and self reflection on real processes in the world, and especially for my friend Timbo, I offer the following text:


A typical old bestseller, built like a house of cards, for manic conspiracy theory buffs, designed primarily to cut dough on anti-American hysteria, tabloid-style.

That the Americans blew themselves up, of that I have no doubt, but a lot of people have started writing books and making films about it... In my opinion, making money off the deaths of thousands of people is blasphemy...