Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 66

Zet1972 >> :
32.2 million people (10% of the population) receive food stamps. This is a major element of the American hunger prevention policy - poor citizens can buy any factory-packaged food with them (at government expense). laitman

Such vouchers have always been there, equivalent to dollars, they can only be used in supermarkets to pay for food, usually given to students and the poor, now they are given a bit more and this is nothing new. This is ideally how it should be during a crisis.

I'm in the countryside again. I go hunting,
I write my poems - life is easy.
Yesterday, tired of walking through the swamp,
I wandered into the barn and fell deeply asleep.
I woke up to the broad slits of the barn
The sun's cheerful rays are gazing.
A dove cooing; over the roof I flew,
The young rooks are screaming;
There's another bird in the air.
I recognised a crow by its shadow;
A whispering whisper... and there's a string
Along the slit of attentive eyes!
All gray, brown, and blue eyes
mingled like flowers in a field.
There's so much peace, so much freedom, so much tenderness,
They're full of holy goodness!

Maximus_genuine >>:
Опять я в деревне. Хожу на охоту,
Пишу мои вирши — живется легко.

Is that from the school curriculum? Do your homework instead of sitting in front of the computer.

Galaxy >> :

The vouchers have always been like this, they are equivalent to dollars, they can only be used to pay for food in supermarkets, they are usually given to students and low-income people, now they are given a bit more and this is nothing new. That's how it should ideally be in a crisis.

I always thought that such cards were only possible in a socialist system... There seems to be an exchange of systems between the former capital and socialist countries :)

timbo >> :

Is that from the school curriculum? Go do your homework instead of sitting in front of your computer.

Son, I'm retired now. It's too late for me to do my homework.

Maximus_genuine >> :

>> son, I'm retired now, it's too late for me to do my homework...

Then why are there poems from the school curriculum on this forum?

timbo >> :

Then why are there poems from the school curriculum on this forum?

These rhymes (if you read them carefully) are no less informative in form and content than the rest of the verbal rubbish on this forum!

the other posts (primarily those in this thread) do not gravitate to the high school level! :-0)

Maximus_genuine писал(а) >>

... well, the other posts (above all from this thread) do not reach the "university" level! :-0)

Pensioner! You seem to be an agronomist . Chop poles... plant potatoes...

FION >> :

Pensioner! You look like an agronomist. Chop poles... plant potatoes...

I thank you for your valuable advice. We should patent it in case we have to use it in our next life,

and as for the agronomist... There are agronomists and vegetable growers and general mechanics on my staff,

the lowly conductor of the vegetable store - enough for a crust of bread!

The Tower of Basel: Secretive Plans for the Issuing of a Global Currency