Two days ago I bought two products for $30,000. But I make prices like that when I take products off the market for a while, when I modify them. - page 12

Why does everyone think crooks are stupid?
It is possible that they are smarter than most; we just don't see the bigger picture.

- A not very promising but very expensive product was bought from the market (it turns out that the product itself does not play a role here).
- a product was purchased by someone it is not clear (the final destination is China, probably there are some special problems with the legislation on e-mosharing)
- when buying in the Market, the funds are frozen for 7 days (respectively direct way to transfer them to another system - a deadlock)

Question - why drain 60K and still get 0 profit?
Why do something without the certainty that it will pay off?
Since it was done that way, it means they knew another way to withdraw the required amount from the accounts after all.
As the saying goes: bugs are everywhere and nobody is an exception.

And on the WM account:
Withdraw gray or black funds from WM as if there is no special problem:
darknet ==> buying passport scans ==> trial withdrawals of white funds from WM to BTC ==> withdrawing grey or black WM funds to BTC
The scammers were obviously covering their tracks... I was pointed out as the mastermind of the whole hacker network. If the money fell into my wallet. But the lion's share (a million) went in the right direction for them. And I've been pointed out to Interpol to confuse them for a while. So Interpol is obviously looking into me ..... My computer's glitchy, so they're obviously watching me?

... Or maybe we got in touch with the author and he's making fools of us here.)
... Maybe they got in touch with the author and he's playing us for fools here)

Do you think I got a chunk of it thrown away on paypal? So I could support their act?
They are not idiots, they do everything subtly... The game would have been different if they had reached out to me earlier, because it is very risky for them, as they don't know me, my psyche, resilience . And according to Chinese law, they face life imprisonment as a minimum.
I first thought a good generous rich man decided to help ;))) even wrote on his wall at the time, and in the comments advisers to write who bought. Thanked, etc. ))))

It turned out to be a scammer.
In short, KU! Everyone to a lifetime ezich on nails!))
Already the boys have racked up the bonuses. On Monday, they can give 13-14 credits. That = 800 rubles. )) Just about to pay the light bill and the ttk internet bill.
Anton Zverev:

Didn't that confuse you? When I lost money on my Kiwi account, they gave me a week to get it, and then they refused. But here it all happened in one day. No way, the bank would have taken at least 30 days. Someone is clearly not telling the whole story.

Transactions from the card go through a foreign billing service, and it reversed the withdrawal, and methaquot as a legal entity must comply with all agreements. Service Desk wrote so.

And you will not get much written here because they are clearly catching these hackers. And there may be their agents here.

Alexander Ivanov:


Have you given your mobile phone to any possible buyers?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Have you given your mobile phone to any possible buyers?
Of course I did, when the payment for the order goes through a Qiwi wallet. After all, when ordering Russian-speaking people, they pay either Yandex, kiwi or webmoney. And on webmoney they can even see your picture and where you are from.
I think it was Russian hackers who hacked into the system through a Chinese server. That's a hunch.
The Chinese are essentially very literate and articulate in their dealings.
And this handwriting is a bit like recklessness and a handbag. - I was wondering if it would work... But it did not work.

The Chinese do not work like that. Look at the markets.
How they count their money carefully.