Two days ago I bought two products for $30,000. But I make prices like that when I take products off the market for a while, when I modify them. - page 7

Hehehe)))) is hilarious
If it was even bought from stolen cards, why buy without knowing me and not knowing where I live?
Alexander Ivanov:
If they even bought them from stolen maps, why did they buy them without knowing me or where I live?
I have to tell you :-) there are only two possibilities, their mistake, they bought from the wrong person, and the second one is in on it :-)
Alexander Ivanov:
If it was even bought from stolen cards, why buy without knowing me or where I live?

They impute a fictitious error or non-functionality. After you can't fix it, they ask for a refund. Most likely the money returned is already considered clean.

Alternatively, I don't know if the purchase can be cancelled on complaint here.


They impute a fictitious error or non-functionality. After you can't fix it, they ask for a refund. Most likely the money returned is already considered clean.

Alternatively, I don't know if it's possible to cancel a purchase on complaint here.

They look at the most expensive products, or those for which the price changed at the time - the very expensive one. I think they just made a mistake, they bought from the wrong person, Ivanov just got almost lucky :-)
Read the thread and got a lot of emotions. On the one hand cool 2 prodges as the seller himself, on the other hand it's a shame they cancelled. I'm sorry to hear that.
The moral of this fable is: don't share the skin of an unkilled bear. You've got a big mouth on you: flats, cars, yachts, girls... :)
Old man, I can imagine the euphoria you felt. And then how the clouds got over your head).
That would have been cool, though.
But you hang in there)).
Good morning!))
Into eternal ecich on the nails!
Alexander Ivanov:
Good morning!))
Into eternal ecich on the nails!
If it's a good morning, it means the Chinese haven't come for the laundered money yet ))