Market theory - page 98

Yusuf, has the character of the market changed or is it still bearish?

The bears are driving the price and no matter where!


The bears are driving the price and no matter where!

It might not lead them into the middle of the woods). Ma(89) turned around yesterday on H1.
Yusuf, how has the market character changed or is it still bearish?

Status as of 17:00 MSK: Things are working wonders:

The market is bearish, but apparently there will be a peaceful transfer to the Bulls as in April.


The bears are driving the price and no matter where!

Yes, another market quirk, the Lion leading the Bears to capitulate and hand the market over to the Bulls. There will be a consilium, the results of which we will wait for as, Price has not yet defected to the Bulls.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Status as of 1700 MSC: Miracles are happening:

The market is bearish, but apparently there will be a peaceful transfer to the Bulls as in April.

Yes and someone on this handover has passed more than 200 pips.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Status as of 1700 MSC: Miracles are happening:

The market is bearish, but apparently there will be a peaceful transfer to the Bulls as in April.

LOL!!! :-D
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Status as of 1700 MSC: Miracles are happening:

The market is bearish, but apparently there will be a peaceful transfer to the Bulls as in April.

Yusuf, I guess if the price changes direction upwards and if the market is bearish, we should still close the sales. And open sales again if the price has resumed moving downwards while the market remains bearish.
Daniil Stolnikov:
I'm going down!!! :-D
It's from the series "The Amazing Is Nearby". What can I do but state this strange fact.
Yusuf, I think if the price changes direction upwards and if the market is bearish, we should still close the sale. And open sales again if the price has resumed moving downwards while the market remains bearish.
Let's wait for the results of the Bears and Bulls meeting. There's not much left to do. There should already be no sharp price spikes before the relationship is clarified. If the Bears bounce to the side, we need to urgently close the sales and open the buys at full force. Though, what the hell, in April the Bulls, rejoicing the gift, drove the price far upwards. See the chart. If the price would hold when it reached the High of the day (1.11934), the market would pass to the Bulls, as calculations show. But, it did not hold.