FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 770

I have a feeling I'm being set up by someone
Not yet. Has anything changed in two weeks?
Nothing, they are still buying.

You mash up the order number, do you think they will trace it?

The limit has been pushed too far, do you think it will get there?

Sure, aren't there any brokers around here? ???

We'll see if it does.
It's a quick transfer to used ones.

Thanks !
I have a feeling someone set me up with the bayeux.
Don't worry, Guru was right about the Euros)))
Of course, aren't there people here from brokers (kitchens). ???

We'll see if it gets here.
It's a quick transfer to the used ones.

Thanks !
I think not, they have nothing to do)))
I have a feeling that someone set me up with the bayeux.

Maybe, like I said before, she came back to test the level.
Don't jump to conclusions.

I'm just a profiler.

Thank you!
I think not, they have nothing to do)))

what about playing against? )
I was only making an assumption though.

Thanks !

what about playing against? )
I was only making an assumption though.

Thanks !
They're doing fine on their own)
Don't worry, the teacher guessed the euro)))
accelerated, because the client is worried ))))
It's okay, they've been buying and they're still buying.
I will accept defeat with dignity!