FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1374


what about your Oscillator?
Isn't it a machine?

Thank you!
Does it make money ? Thank you )))
Does it bring in money? Thank you ))))
Hmm... Well, I have one. I use it.
Keeps me cool and out of the market a lot.
A kind of brake.

(I'll use it.) Thank you.
here it is now being bought. (buy position)
on the eu has started selling (sell position)

This is the kind of thing that interferes .

Thanks !

That's the kind of thing that gets in the way.

Thank you !
The shopping spree is in full swing ))))

in 10 minutes, there'll be a clear one on the Audis:

At the close of the 10th hour the euro will be bought ))))

Hi there, everyone.)

If no one throws me off first, I'll dig in the coffers tonight.)

Thanks !
What's up? I'm confused about the letters.)
At the close of the 10th hour the euro will be bought )))

time is a thing for bargaining (want...)

and the place is good:


time is a thing for bargaining (want...)

and the location is good:

there's no harm in wanting
Sensei, are you moonlighting as a clown?)