FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 675


And the third question is that here's a set of buy positions where you're salting, breaking on the stops, boo-boo-boo.

Opinion unchanged: TR 5086 - 5051
Opinion without change: TR 5086 - 5051

Let them change your mind, don't worry. Gone.

You'd think about what I said - bai's recruiting, I don't assume it like you, I know it. There are two ways - sticks on screenshots to look at or think and learn.

I don't know, I had a purchase on 1315 and still have it.

Let them change your mind, don't worry. Gone.

You'd think about what I said - bai's recruiting, I'm not assuming it like you, I know it. There are two ways - sticks on screenshots to look at or think and learn.

See you after the news...

except the swap will change to positive for the bai ...



2 ha-ha



all catching fleas?
all the fleas you're catching?
I show the woodpeckers shopping, but they see nothing but sticks and minuses on the depot...
I show the woodpeckers shopping, but they see nothing but sticks and minuses on the depot...

So are woodpeckers... They can't see anything but bark beetles...


So are woodpeckers... They can't see anything but bark beetles...

I mean, I don't care what kind of sticks they have and neither do the people who bought them)))))))))