FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 438

North, where the hell have you been?
Hey, just got back from the country. I'll just update the spare terminal, mine doesn't have this pair. We'll have a look and I'll post it...
Скриншоты торговой платформы MetaTrader
Графики торговой платформы MetaTrader

That's how I see it so far, we'll double-check this week

I respect the opinion of real traders, but I only use my own tools. give me a comment.
I respect the opinion of real traders, but I only use my own tools. give me a comment.
No one wants to talk to you?)) Why don't we get Guru in here and draw something? ))))
No one wants to talk to you?))) Why don't we call Teacher and draw something? ))))
Stanj, I'm sick of being a joke. Mani onlly. You got something to say, go ahead. It's just that the topic's so fucking... .
Stanj, I'm sick of just bitching. Mani onli. If you got something to say, say it. It's just that the subject matter is so fucking... .
I already said it. You're not gonna catch a correction in the pound or the euro, are you? No, you're not. Euro and euro buy and find a buy entry on the yen, that's the plan.
I've already said it all. You're not going to catch a correction in the pound or the euro, are you? No. The euro aud and euro kiwi crosses sell and find a buy entry on the yen, that's the plan.
What do we call corrections, if it's not a secret?
I wish the Greeks would agree on something. the topic is for analysts. no way.
and what do we call corrections, if that's not a secret?
Buy a pound this week and find out what they are)
The Greeks should at least agree on something. the topic is for analysts. but no way.
What should they agree to if they have been robbed of everything and are being cuckolded?