FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 755


test of the new system. three at once.http : //

what can't you do in signals?
why not do it at signals?

Why? - It's too early for the test. After the New Year I will use one of the three signals and install it on a separate computer to avoid confusion in the terminals and getting ridiculous loss (= leverage 1:100


e.g. options volumes in the MT4 terminal

I have not seen any program that displays and calculates them properly in MT4,5 neither in terms of volumes nor in terms of options, and I have tried a good many of them, they are all glitchy as one, including thinkorswim)

Why? - It's too early to do this test after the New Year on one of the three, and I will set it on a separate computer so as not to get confused in the terminals and not to get ridiculous looses (= leverage 1:100

I have the same)
I've tried a lot of them, all of them are as glitchy as one, including thinkorswim) -

Request: binary options MT4


Request: binary options MT4


Request: binary options MT4

I already figured it out, dug it out myself)

But that's not it.


I already figured it out, dug it out myself)

But that's not it.

We have no light in the Crimea all day today, they say there's a breakdown on the Militopol-Jankoi motorway... So I can't watch.
we have no light all day today in the Crimea, they say there is a break on the militopol-jankoi highway... So I can't watch.

Not a rip off, but a "planned repair".

С 21 декабря Севастополь будут отключать от света на 8 часов в день
С 21 декабря Севастополь будут отключать от света на 8 часов в день
  • 2014.12.20
Как сообщает администрация ПАО «ЭК «Севастопольэнерго», по информации ГУП РК Крымэнерго, в связи с выводом в ремонт со стороны Украины ВЛ-330кВ Мелитополь – Джанкой в работе осталась единственная ВЛ-220кВ, обеспечивающая связь между ОЭС Украина – Крым, пропускной способности которой недостаточно для бесперебойного электроснабжения жителей...
We have no electricity all day today in the Crimea, they say on the Militopol-Dzhankoy highway... So I can't watch.
I highly doubt, or rather do not doubt, that Grands does not reflect the real picture on option trading, moreover its nuances, binary options I do not know what it is at all, a loot of kitchens I think, and I think I am unlikely to be wrong)))