FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 524

Yes, you walk in the city, you see a cigarette kiosk with normal prices, oh, I have to buy cigarettes. Is that a prediction too?

Humans differ from animals in that they plan their actions on the basis of experience.

A more abstract example: a turtle crawls, looks at a cactus, let's eat it. It has not programmed itself, it has not trained itself. Here it is difficult to say that there was a prediction (although you can).

In your case, however, there were many actions that preceded the development of the pattern, you use the prediction you made earlier. And the pattern itself is not absolute, you are constantly making adjustments to it based on experience and making decisions that are not based on exact formulas.

Say what you like.)

So the number of positive outcomes based on the facts in question is greater than the negative ones in the end? ))
There are no outcome statistics and there can't be any. Maybe they will break through 5628 and go further up, or may not break through and go down. I am fixing some profits here BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW.
Anyway, guys, I'm tired of explaining that what I see here and now cannot be a prediction, but if you feel like it, so be it)
I am fixing some profits here BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW.
So you didn't know ten points lower either. But you didn't lock in there. Or did you know it was early? Then it's a prediction.
There's no statistics on outcomes and there can't be any. Maybe they will break through 5628 and go further upwards, or may not break through and go down. I fix some profits here BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW.

By positive outcomes I mean your result from your trading activity. For all your trading activity, have you ended up with a positive outcome?

If yes, then your result is a product of your experience, based on which your biological neural network makes a prediction.

If no, then it wouldn't make sense to trade and stupidly lose. )))


By positive outcomes I mean your result from your trading activity. For all your trading activity, have you ended up with a positive outcome?

If yes, then your result is a product of your experience, based on which your biological neural network makes a prediction.

If no, then it wouldn't make sense to trade and stupidly lose. )))

Even if the trader follows the template, he predicts that if he follows the template, he will be good, and if he does not follow the template, he will be bad.

I'm only catching on because the old one is in denial about his predictions.


By positive outcomes I mean your result from your trading activity. For all your trading activity, have you ended up with a positive outcome?

If yes, then your result is a product of your experience, based on which your biological neural network makes a prediction.

If not, then it wouldn't make sense to trade and stupidly lose. )))

What difference does it make whether you have an analysis or not// the main thing is the result
What difference does it make whether there is an analysis or not// the main thing is the result
The fact is that with the presence of such a tool as the brain, there can be no analysis. Even if its owner is convinced of the opposite. )))
The fact is that with the presence of such a tool as the brain, there can be no analysis. Even if its owner is convinced otherwise. )))
))))) If anything))) this (as you call brain analysis) could be called another way )))) such as the activity of neurons connected to each other by synaptic connections;)))//////
Нейрон — Википедия
Нейрон — Википедия
Нейрон (от др.-греч.  — волокно, нерв) — это структурно-функциональная единица нервной системы. Эта клетка имеет сложное строение, высокоспециализирована и по структуре содержит ядро, тело клетки и отростки. В организме человека насчитывается более восьмидесяти пяти миллиардов нейронов. Сложность и многообразие функций нервной системы...
The main thing is to have a profit and to be able to make a profit. The main thing is to be profitable.