Interesting and Humour - page 53

They should give the captains free nappies and a quart of hot drinks to relieve their stress.
The captains should be given free nappies and a quarter of hot drinks to relieve their stress.

what was it filmed from? especially the question of how the camera went vertically up into the clouds in such a storm...


what was it filmed from ? especially the question of how in such a storm the camera went vertically up into the clouds...

it looks like it was standing on a mast - you can see how it was shaken by the wave impact

what was it filmed from ? especially the question of how in such a storm the camera went vertically up into the clouds...

The footage is from different geographical locations, and involves several ships (two or three, maybe a bit more). Speaking of ships, there was at least one military one, the view from the top as I understand it is from the military one's deckhouse. I am talking about 2:12 - 2:48...

I think she was standing on the mast - you can see how she was shaken by the wave's impact
Yes. The points are different, you can see that, but the last rise up...

Optimisation completed


Optimisation complete

Genetic algorithms rule!

True, I must admit that this time the result is not optimal - it lacks two very valid... hmmm, optimisable arguments, both in terms of physiology and aesthetic balance.

No, I'm not talking about hands - pinguino sapiens


Optimisation complete

well, here's a prime example of over-optimisation and parameter fitting.

two very valid arguments are lost, as joo said.