Interesting and Humour - page 3992

Andrey Kisselyov:

I have never heard that before. blood vessels get blocked and the blood does not deliver nutrients to the neurons and the neurons die (without oxygen and other necessary substances).


Yes, but alcohol doesn't directly affect neurons. Nerve cells can die for other reasons as well, for example when an individual meditates when breathing becomes laboured or in other disorders of the body.

The body itself also produces alcohol, after a meal it serves as an indicator of satiety, when the red blood cells are already clogged, a kind of oxygen starvation and slight intoxication occurs as well.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Nerve cells can also die for other reasons, such as when meditating in a special way when an individual starts to breathe badly

I agree.


Maxim Dmitrievsky:

The body itself also produces alcohol, and after a meal it serves as an indicator of satiety, when the red blood cells are already full, there is also a kind of oxygen starvation and a slight intoxication.

I get the impression that you've taken one post out of context and started a conversation.


Andrey Kisselyov:

I agree.


So a good cognac or wine within reasonable limits, around 100 grams a day has never hurt anyone. That's why wine is a good aperitif, because the body starts to feel full faster.
Andrey Kisselyov:

You seem to have taken one post out of the whole context of the conversation and started a conversation.


I didn't follow the whole conversation, I just saw your pictures of neurons being excreted into the bloodstream when drinking alcohol and cringed.
Andrey Kisselyov:
You're talking about inhibited people who, for a variety of reasons, need alcohol to loosen themselves up.

With respect.

I wrote about absolute teetotalers. Why can't you, as a teetotaler, listen to people? )) Everything is upside down...

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

So a good cognac or wine within reasonable limits, around 100 grams a day, has never hurt anyone. That's why wine is a good aperitif, because the body starts to feel full faster.
The introduction of substances that the body itself produces leads definitely to atrophy of the organs producing them, which leads to addiction.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

So a good cognac or wine within reasonable limits, around 100 grams a day has never hurt anyone. That's why wine is a good aperitif, because the body starts to feel fuller faster.

I know two examples of doctors prescribing 100 grams of red wine. This was for a neighbour with cirrhosis of the liver, well, it was a severe case, an ex-junkie, his liver was killed + he drank.

And my dad, he had Alzheimer's in the last years of his life.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I know two examples of doctors prescribing 100 grams of red wine. This was for a neighbour with cirrhosis of the liver, well, it was a severe case, an ex-junkie, his liver was killed + he drank.

And my dad, he had Alzheimer's in the last years of his life.

and it's good for your general health sometimes.)
Andrey Kisselyov:
The introduction of substances that the body produces itself definitely leads to the atrophy of the organs that produce them, which leads to addiction.


Uh-huh, the body breaks down fats to carbohydrates. Let's give up carbohydrates and eat seal fat alone, like Eskimos.