Interesting and Humour - page 3871

There is a point. For many, including the Western military, a calibre strike against terrorists from the Caspian Sea was a great surprise. American generals were also surprised to discover that Russia's military has left them far behind in the field of electronic warfare. So far, they have no idea how they can fight a war with Russia in the absence of communication due to the use of Russian jammers.
And by the way, our troops have transceivers capable of working in jamming conditions. I was directly involved in one of them. Although it was a long time ago more than 20 years ago, the technology is much better now. But even then the transceiver was microprocessor-controlled and could automatically change frequency if the level of interference exceeded an acceptable threshold. And there were more than one thousand frequencies which can be automatically changed by the transceiver. I led the development (and directly participated in it) of an automated complex for acceptance and commissioning tests of this product.

Of course, if tapping morse code on a tin can


Is today the day... everyone's fighting.

Vladislav Andruschenko:

Is today the day... everyone's fighting.

Some are swearing and some are joking.

This is how people in China escape the heat:

Hundreds of residents escape the heat at a water park in Fushun, China


Not much left to live for the artist....

Good morning


Downloading a movie for tonight, about the man who built the biggest pyramid

And his story in a nutshell

De Niro and Pfeiffer!

Лжец, Великий и Ужасный
Лжец, Великий и Ужасный
Лжец, Великий и Ужасный The Wizard of Lies Описание История Бернарда Мейдоффа — бизнесмена, который построил крупнейшую в мире финансовую пирамиду и замаскировал её под инвестиционный фонд. В...
«Рычаг-АВ» сбил в Сирии 34 «Томагавка»
«Рычаг-АВ» сбил в Сирии 34 «Томагавка»
  • 2017.08.01
  • Александр Ситников
Заокеанские таблоиды стали менять оценки «жесткого ответа Трампа» от восторженных криков «ура» на критические отзывы. Независимые политологи вообще характеризуют атаку на сирийский аэродром, как провальную. В частности уже появились снимки упавшей в 40 км от цели крылатой ракеты. Судя по изображению, «Томагавк» просто рухнул на землю и не имеет...
Tamogawks don't fly one at a time, one fell by itself, and the natives immediately dance