Interesting and Humour - page 3248

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Who to build where and how? The only freedom was to go to work. As a design engineer I got a salary of 140 r. The Head of Design Bureau got 200 r. That's great creative work.

Those with brains in their heads, not their stomachs, create.


After protection only my salary was 400r. And the average is over 1000. This is a civilian industry.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Those with brains in their heads, not their stomachs, create.


After protection only my salary was 400r. And the average is over 1000. This is a civilian industry.

Probably some kind of military, a great trough, and I did not understand anything.

Drifter and miner in the mine with a bonus only received a maximum of 600 (and that is 1-2 sites with 10-15 sites in the mine), and how they plow - I would not wish the enemy.

What have you done?

And the salary written above in the design bureau - 140 and 200 - is also real, in the design bureau where I was in practice.

What kind of creation can there be in a country where entrepreneurship has been completely banned?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Probably some kind of military man, a great trough, he still does not get it. The sinker and miner in the mine with a bonus only if the plan is fulfilled received 600 (and that is 1-2 sites with 10-15 sites in the mine), and how they plough - I would not wish the enemy.

Written, citizen.

Ph.D. Senior scientist = 320. Head of lab = 400. These are rates all over the country, in all industry research institutes. This is the bottom of the pay scale in science. A large number of closed research institutes, the academy of sciences - the salaries there are higher. But these are salaries. Apart from this....

Dmitry Fedoseev:
What kind of creation can there be in a country where entrepreneurship has been completely banned?
СанСаныч Фоменко:

Written, citizen.

Ph.D. Senior scientist = 320. Head of lab = 400. These are rates all over the country, in all industry research institutes. This is the bottom of the pay scale in science. A large number of closed research institutes, the academy of sciences - the salaries there are higher. But these are salaries. Apart from this....

And I wrote that you still don't get it, citizenship is different.

Rates are all over the country... but the Buy More where I was in practice didn't know that.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Yes... and in which only one ideology is allowed.

So what have you created? Ask who needs this creation of yours? I don't need that kind of creation of yours.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Those with brains in their heads, not their stomachs, create.


The common citizen did not have the right to have a stomach, this privilege was only from the level of the secretary of the organisation.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Yes... and in which only one ideology is allowed.

So what have you created? Ask who needs this creation of yours? I don't need that kind of creation of yours.

I wasn't hindered by ideology. I lived as I saw fit.

And about creation.

Let's open our eyes and look around. Almost everything around is Soviet. And what is the result of entrepreneurship? A couple of years ago we seem to have reached the level of hydrocarbon production of 1989.... And so everything is foreign, a shame.

If we talk about models in economy, I did much more serious things in Soviet times than today. Today, having the experience, I cannot repeat the Soviet level - not the infrastructure.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
An ordinary citizen did not have the right to have a stomach, this privilege was only at the level of a secretary of an organization.

Sorry, you're not making any sense. There was no abundance today, but on holidays (the 70s, 80s) I and everyone I knew had a table full. No one went hungry on ordinary days either.


I did not know any secretaries.