Interesting and Humour - page 2314


Opening a flat tin can with your bare hands: (watch from minute three)


What genetic trait can significantly reduce a person's sleep time?

A normal person sleeps for 7-8 hours a night, but with a mutation in the hDEC2 gene, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle, the need for sleep can be reduced to 4 hours. Carriers of this mutation often achieve more in their lives and careers at the expense of the extra time. Some famous people, such as former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher or actor James Franco, have reported short sleep, although it is not known whether this is due to this mutation or self-inflicted.


Can deafblind people talk in their sleep?

Just as many normal people speak in their sleep, sleeping deafblind people show words with their hands in sign language. This phenomenon applies not only to the deaf-blind from birth, but also to those who have become deaf and have learned sign language at an advanced age.


What kind of dreams do blind people have?

People who are blind from birth also have dreams. The visual part is missing, but there are many other cues: auditory, olfactory, tactile. And people who have lost their sight in the course of life tend to have regular dreams with a picture. It is true that the frequency and clarity of visual dreams fades with age.


Which birds can sleep on the fly?

Storks can periodically fall asleep on the ground for up to ten minutes during flights. A tired stork moves to the centre of the flock, closes its eyes and dozes off, aided by its acute hearing to maintain direction and altitude during this time. Ornithologists have also noted the ability to sleep during flight in black swifts and dark terns.


How do dolphins solve the problem of breathing atmospheric oxygen during sleep?

Dolphins need to breathe atmospheric oxygen at all times and regularly resurface to do so. To ensure this breathing during sleep, the hemispheres of the dolphin's brain take turns sleeping.