Interesting and Humour - page 1447


Unreasoned retort...

I threw the link.

I don't understand what you are writing anymore.

1 You said that - With an iPhone the elite)

2 Andrew responded to you - This time is over.

3 In response you stated - Statistics April. Is there a newer one?

You are really slow.

So I see. He just has an iPhone and thinks he's the elite )
By the way our iPhones have the highest rate of no money on the phone balance )
I do not know about iPhones, I bought up all the latest Nokia's with a black and white screen, hopefully for a long time - while everyone is suffering by hiding the monitor from the sun, that would make it possible to see something :)

Allegedly the launch was at 10-16 Moscow time

and silence ...

that's bullshit...

10:16 a.m. Moscow? Forts reacted to this news at 12:00, while the rockets flew you could have had time to short (I do not seem to have had time))):

I do not know about iPhones, I bought up all the latest Nokia phones with black and white screen, I hope it will last long - while everyone is suffering by hiding the monitor from the sun, at least to see something :)
And in terms of making calls only, the old phones are more convenient

At 10:16 you say? Forts reacted to this news as late as 12:00, while the rockets were flying you could have had time to short (I apparently didn't)):

It wasn't rocket news

What a load of crap.

Shoigu reported to Putin about the launch, but Damascus knows nothing. That's hilarious


The Russian embassy in Syria said there was no signal of a missile attack or explosions in Damascus

// and Israel didn't see anything on its radar.

That's really fucked up. With our monitoring of enemy missile launches like this, we could accidentally start a war.


I don't understand what you are writing anymore.

1 You said that - With an iPhone the elite)

2 Andrew told you exactly THIS is what you said - It's over now.

3 In response to him you say - Statistics April. Is there a newer one?

You are really slow.

Who is slowing down... You and Andrew as usual, I do not know why you use different accounts.

Statistics for April claims that the elite use the iPhone, and children play toys on Android. What don't you understand?


Who's slowing down... You and Andrei are always on the same page, I don't know why you use different accounts at all.

Statistics for April say that the elite use the iPhone and the kids play toys on Android. What don't you understand?

If you want to be the elite, buy an iPhone!

Who's slowing down... You and Andrei are always on the same page, I don't know why you use different accounts at all.

Statistics for April say that the elite use the iPhone and the kids play toys on Android. What don't you understand?

Relax, I get it. Hail to the CPSU. Peace in the world. The iPhone is the elite of rockandroll.