Interesting and Humour - page 3743


The gait must be like Werther's ))))

I came to visit my aunt one day, walked down the street and saw this terrifying-looking balcony pulling out I thought people there had gone completely mad. Later I read that, depending on the quality of the basis, balcony can be put out to a decent distance. I was shocked, of course.
I came to visit my aunt one day, walked down the street and saw this terrifying-looking balcony extension. Later I read that, depending on the quality of the base, the balcony can be extended to a decent distance. I was shocked, of course.
(I'm a bit of a smart-ass.)
But I don't understand why the downstairs neighbour would agree to have a prop resting against his wall.
I just don't understand why the downstairs neighbour would agree to have a prop resting against his wall. I wouldn't.
Not even for a million, hundred thousand dollars? )

According to SNiP 2.01.07-85 'Loads and effects', the strip load on a 0.8 m wide area along the balcony railing must be 400 kg/m2. Overthe entire area of the balcony slab, 200 kg/m2. The horizontal load onthe balcony railing railings is 30 kg/m2.

I came to visit my aunt one day, walked down the street and saw this terrifying-looking balcony extension. Later I read that, depending on the quality of the base, the balcony can be extended to a decent distance. I was shocked, of course.
It's photoshop. Pretty poor quality.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
even for a million, hundred thousand dollars? )

Would they have offered that much? For continuing to live in a barn.


"Was not" = "Toe, og sweat toe"?

ЦБ создает виртуальную национальную валюту
ЦБ создает виртуальную национальную валюту
Банк России начал работу над созданием национальной виртуальной валюты, сообщила заместитель председателя Банка России Ольга Скоробогатова. «До виртуальной национальной валюты мы точно дойдем. Над этим мы уже начали работать»,— цитирует «Прайм» заявление...