Errors, bugs, questions - page 526

Build 514. Single test results sometimes do not appear in the tester: no "Results" tab, no test graph window appears, but in "Log" the test is complete, in "Agents" tab testing is at 99.9%, in "Settings" the "Start" button is available.

Reinstalled the program. Now the terminal is loaded and there is a connection, but after installing the EA on the chart, everything hangs again.

The Expert Advisor has only two functions iCustom and ChartIndicatorAdd. What could have changed for them? Renat, you have long been talking about a stable build. When are you going to achieve it? Just endless fixes... And how can I entrust him with the money?


Reinstalled the program. Now the terminal is loaded and there is a connection, but after installing the EA on the chart, everything hangs again.

The Expert Advisor has only two functions iCustom and ChartIndicatorAdd. What could have changed for them?

Please post the complete Expert Advisor. This may be the reason.
Post your expert in full, please. It may be about him.
//---начало блока описания индикатора
#property description "Forecast_Indicator"
#property version "1.0"
#property copyright "Copyright 2011"
#property link ""
//---начало блока настроек индикатора
input int INP_TAU=1; //
input double INP_ZNACHIMOST=0.1; //
input int INP_MODE_TAU=1; //
input int INP_BACK_TIME_SHIFT=0; //
//-конец блока настроек индикатора------
//---начало блока глобальных переменных-
int forecast_buffer_indicator_handle;//
int shift_buffer_indicator_handle;//
//---конец блока глобальных переменных-----
//---начало блока инициализации индикатора-
void OnInit()
      forecast_buffer_indicator_handle=iCustom(NULL, 0, "Forecast_Indicator_100_no_diff\\forecast_buffer_indicator", INP_TAU, INP_ZNACHIMOST, INP_MODE_TAU, INP_BACK_TIME_SHIFT);
      shift_buffer_indicator_handle=iCustom(NULL, 0, "Forecast_Indicator_100_no_diff\\shift_buffer_indicator", INP_TAU, INP_ZNACHIMOST, INP_MODE_TAU, INP_BACK_TIME_SHIFT);
      ChartIndicatorAdd(0, 0, forecast_buffer_indicator_handle);
      ChartIndicatorAdd(0, 1, shift_buffer_indicator_handle);
//---конец блока инициализации индикатора----
//---начало блока деинициализации индикатора-
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
         ChartIndicatorDelete(0, 0, "Forecast (Tau="+string(INP_TAU)+", Znachimost="+string(INP_ZNACHIMOST)+", Mode="+string(INP_MODE_TAU)+", Back time shift="+string(INP_BACK_TIME_SHIFT)+")");
         ChartIndicatorDelete(0, 1, "Shift (Tau="+string(INP_TAU)+", Znachimost="+string(INP_ZNACHIMOST)+", Mode="+string(INP_MODE_TAU)+", Back time shift="+string(INP_BACK_TIME_SHIFT)+") =");
//---конец блока деинициализации индикатора-
//---начало блока обновления индикатора---
int OnCalculate (
                  const int rates_total,      // current size of the timeseries array
                  const int prev_calculated,  // size of the timeseries array got by reurn value the last time
                  const datetime& time[],     // Time
                  const double& open[],       // Open
                  const double& high[],       // High
                  const double& low[],        // Low
                  const double& close[],      // Close
                  const long& tick_volume[],  // Tick Volume
                  const long& volume[],       // Real Volume
                  const int& spread[]         // Spread
//---конец блока обновления индикатора-
This is the whole Expert Advisor. Maybe the reason is "MQL5: Fixed time series data request from custom indicators", but what changed and what to do. By the way, after reinstallation "MY" windows settings profile is gone, although I didn't check "delete personal data" when uninstalling, and everything I drew in windows charts for 3 months is lost.

substitute the EURUSD values for the current time and you have it:

Ma for example with an average of 16 closing prices

or would it be better to use

Unfortunately you didn't understand the problem, SmoothSpreadBuffer[i] is a smoothed high-low
Unfortunately you didn't understand the problem, SmoothSpreadBuffer[i] is a smoothed high-low

Unfortunately, it takes time to get into it. And time is money.

You can't solve the problem by yourself,


I made a simple indicator, but I don't understand why it doesn't want to work;(

close[i] when substituting produces, SmoothSpreadBuffer[i] when substituting also produces, why does not want to divide one by another and show the result?

the result, true, sometimes gives, but does not correspond to reality, e.g. on EURUSD the value on the clock should be within 300-400...


Division by zero is a critical error. mql programs categorically refuse to do that)

If you don't look into it, you can do it this way:

if(SmoothSpreadBuffer[i]!=0.0) UniPriceBuffer[i]=close[i]/SmoothSpreadBuffer[i];
Документация по MQL5: Программы MQL5 / Ошибки выполнения
Документация по MQL5: Программы MQL5 / Ошибки выполнения
Программы MQL5 / Ошибки выполнения - Документация по MQL5

a question about the use of indicators. I wrote a test code.

It periodically displays fractal with i = 2, but it is not present on the screen (from the standard indicator Fractals)

Please advise what is the error

Fractals is an indicator that redraws on the second bar.
On the first ticks, the condition for the fractal may be met; when the current bar exceeds the value of the fractal, it does not.
Build 514. Single test results sometimes do not appear in the tester: no "Results" tab, no test graph window appears, but in "Log" the test is complete, in "Agents" tab the test is at 99.9%, in "Settings" the "Start" button is available.
This has always been the case on XP.
Build 514. Single test results sometimes do not appear in the tester: there is no "Results" tab, the test graph window does not appear, but in "Log" the test is complete, in the "Agents" tab the test is at 99.9%, in "Settings" the "Start" button is available.

Can youwrite to Service Desk with all the details you need?

  • The bit system and version of Windows.
  • Please attach the EA code.
  • Tester logs

Thank you.