Errors, bugs, questions - page 468


The customer will probably not want to distribute the dll and the advisor

We will delete the files after checking them. This is just a work in progress for us.

By the way, if this is not the first and only call of this DLL, there is a big chance of accumulated effect from previous DLL calls. Could fall off in unpredictable place/call if seriously screwed up earlier.

We will delete the files after checking them. This is just a work in progress for us.
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class FileUnlimited
   enum MovePointerMethod
          MPM_BEGIN = FU_FILE_BEGIN            // relative count from the beginning
        , MPM_CURRENT = FU_FILE_CURRENT        // relative count from current
        , MPM_END = FU_FILE_END                // relative count from the end

class ConstFile
   virtual bool SetPos(long pos, MovePointerMethod from = MPM_BEGIN){return false;}
Why does it compile? Even if you put a privat.
Give me a way of finding out from the assessor whether testing is done postitively or post-examined. I mean rigorous testing, not speculation. Didn't find a means in the help in the standard API.
Give me a way of finding out from the assessor whether testing is done postitively or post-examined. I mean rigorous testing, not speculation. I didn't find any means in the standard API in the help.

Why does the EA need to know this?
Why would an expert know that?

Wow, Nikolai. An hour ago, after thinking about it for a while, I decided to ask him the same question. But then changed my mind about getting into the subject... :)

Now you just have to answer it. Just don't lie!



Wow, Nikolai. An hour ago, after thinking about it for a while, I decided to ask him the same question. But then changed my mind about getting into the subject... :)

Now you just have to answer it. Just don't lie!


Yeah. It's like Zadornov, if you boil a mermaid soup, is it meat soup or fish soup? Inquisitive mind, though, or energy without a vector.

No, there is no need to recompile.

Check the single run logs in detail (more logs) - maybe the associated indicators did not transfer?

Yes, you are absolutely right and have clearly indicated the possible cause of the problem.

...My Expert Advisor uses one main calculation indicator and several auxiliary indicators for visual tracking. For testing/optimization the auxiliary ones are disabled manually (bool-parameter) as they are not needed. When I transferred the Expert Advisor and the main indicator files to a new computer I forgot that the auxiliary indicators are "enabled" by default. After their deactivation everything is working.

Yeah. Or is it like Zadornov, if you boil a mermaid soup meat or fish? Inquisitive mind, or energy without a vector.
Gentlemen, what's the tone? Please, enlighten me how to effectively test the multi-currency EAs, which require synchronization of symbols. Right now I have to comment the synchronization check block in the code to run a bar run, because almost all bars are not synchronous. But I don't think this is the only case - other people may have different usecases. What I don't understand is why all the options available from the API are unavailable. IMHO, it's a bug.
Gentlemen, what's the tone? Please enlighten me on how to effectively test multicurrency EAs, which require synchronisation of symbols. I now have to comment the synchronisation check block in the code to run a bar run, as almost all bars are unsynchronised. But I don't think this is the only case - other people may have different usecases. What I don't understand is why all the options available from the API are unavailable. IMHO, it's a bug.
(Purplishly, bluish-gentle, slightly metallic) : You need to contact servicedesk