Errors, bugs, questions - page 1726

Alexey Da:

Why this need?

The editor automatically saves files in Unicode if the text contains characters from the 128-255 range.

Please enlighten me on how to just find these very characters? I always use English only in my source code, even in comments, and where are the older characters, I have no idea. Search for regular characters in the editor is not available. At least make a syntax highlighting for "wide" characters?
Alexey Da:

Why this need?

The editor automatically saves files in Unicode if the text contains characters from the 128-255 range.

If you can have half the size of the source, why is this not done. I have Russian comments on the text and after saving in ANSI nothing happens to them. However, the file becomes half the size.
If you can have a half size source code, why isn't it done. I have Russian text comments and after saving in ANSI nothing happens to them. However, the file becomes half the size.

This is done in the interest of internationalisation. So that the files can be seen correctly on an operating system with a different locale, and they will be displayed correctly.

If russian source files are viewed on some european vin, instead of readable (single-byte russian) text there will be "hieroglyphs".

Stanislav Korotky:

This is done in the interest of internationalisation. So that the files can be seen correctly on an operating system with a different locale, and they will be displayed correctly.

If Russian sources are viewed on some European Windows, instead of readable (single-byte Russian) text there will be "hieroglyphs".

Here everything is displayed correctly in Russian. And the source code is in ANSI.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

Open Talk to the Developers - Let's Improve the Graphic Part

Renat Fatkhullin, 2011.04.05 23:41

No way so far, but soon we will add functions to control the height of indicator sub-windows with the accuracy of pixels.

It will also give us an opportunity to build neat and accurate control panels.

Are the controls in place?
>> Is the control in place?

Yes >>>Fixed height of own indicator window

Anatoli Kazharski:

Yes >>>Fixed height of own indicator window

>>Thank you!
Stanislav Korotky:

This is done in the interest of internationalisation. So that the files can be seen correctly on an operating system with a different locale, and they will be displayed correctly.

If russian source code is viewed on some european vin, instead of readable (single-byte russian) text there will be "hieroglyphs".

This is not about the source code. It turns out that one cannot use MetaEditor to fully edit ANSI files, including those created using ::FileOpen( FILE_ANSI). If the file is originally ANSI, but not .mqh, .mq4, .mq5 - why should I force save it as Unicode?

Recently I also faced such an inconvenience


This is not about source code. It turns out that MetaEditor does not allow to fully edit ANSI files, created using the ::FileOpen( FILE_ANSI). If the file is originally ANSI, but not .mqh, .mq4, .mq5 - why should I force save it as Unicode?

Recently I've also encountered such an inconvenience.

We'll fix it, but we will expand our extensions to Unicode, if necessary.


Create a class which inherits from CExpertSignal. Overridden LongCondition / ShortCondition methods. Tested it. It works. OK!

I'm trying to override and use CheckOpenLong (CheckOpenShort) and to test the code in the tester by a breakpoint. The tester (or compiler ???) removes the breakpoint, sets it to LongCondition and completely ignores CheckOpenLong (CheckOpenShort).

Help me to understand it.