Errors, bugs, questions - page 1725

This is not really a simplification. In the original version MACRO+2*f+g1+g2=5 - you have: MACRO+2*f+2*g1+2*g2=7.
I don't understand why there isn't one f call? Same eggs, but from the side, as suggested aboveby Sergey Dzyublik.
I wonder - what's the reason for doing it that way ...
I understand that if we are using asynchronous OrderSendAsync, both OnTrade and OnTradeTransaction can be handled. With OrderSend we want to have simple behavior, like in MT4. Once it is called, we obtain in the output already modified open positions and history.
There is a subtle point. If the current state is stored in a global variable and the expectation of state changes lasts long enough, and the trader changes the EA parameters, the global variables will be reset and the state will be discarded.
This is the vulnerability that can be gained from the necessity of the mentioned remembering.
What does GetLastError() return ?



Requested data not found

"Handle" of the indicator is received, but the data is "not found" when trying to copy.

I have a project of dozens of mqh. All of them are in different folders. And some mqh have the same name, but different path (builds, in short).

But when compiling, the log shows the names of mqh files WITHOUT paths! Add, please.

Also here
0 error(s), 0 warning(s), compile time: 82 msec         1       1
missing information about how many files in your project.
2016.10.11 11:35:50.170 Books   invalid book item[Si-12.16,buy,63170.00000,-100]
Comments not relevant to this topic have been moved to "The EA on Real is Always Stupid".

What's wrong with the previous badges? They were more fun, weren't they?


What's wrong with the previous badges? They were more fun, weren't they?

It's the same in the ribbon.
How do I set the colour of the arrows for trades on the chart in MT5 (in the tester in particular)?
Are macro overloads planned?
#define  MACRO(A) A
#define  MACRO(A,B) A B

#undef and #ifdef MACRO would apply to all overloads at once.