Errors, bugs, questions - page 381


Updates to the 441 build servers were released last night for our demo server and the brokers will have an update on Saturday.

Unfortunately due to the high volume of changes, the last official 425 server update was a month ago. Now updates to the servers will be more frequent again.

The bug with the history after the weekend was fixed a long time ago, it shouldn't happen again in the 441 build.

Thank you. I will let you know if the problem recurs.

Noticed an oddity with build 441

When testing on history for last 1.5 years, M5, GBPUSD, only opening prices. There were 20 runs in 50 minutes, with 8 agents running.

It used to be several orders of magnitude faster. And I also noticed that the longer the test, the slower and slower the runs get.

Only 22 runs have been done in 75 minutes so far.


Noticed an oddity with build 441

When testing on history for last 1.5 years, M5, GBPUSD, only opening prices. There were 20 runs in 50 minutes, with 8 agents running.

It used to be several orders of magnitude faster. And I've also noticed that the longer the test, the slower and slower the runs get.

I'm seeing a similar problem with myself

My MetaEditor, when trying to compile, complains about the last line of the given code fragment:


It says the following: 'CopyRealVolume' - no one of the overloads can be applied to the function call

I can't understand the reason...?


My MetaEditor, when trying to compile, complains about the last line of the given code fragment:

It says the following: 'CopyRealVolume' - no one of the overloads can be applied to the function call

I cannot understand the reason...?

Perhaps you should cite all the related code fragments.

Try it this way. This error(no one of the overloads can be applied to the function call) appeared in my code when the array type did not correspond to the necessary one or brackets were missing near arrays.

//Work variables
double OPEN_M30[], CLOSE_M30[], HIGH_M30[], LOW_M30[];
long VOLUME_M30[];


I guess you have to quote all the related code sections, don't you?

Try it this way. I had such an error(no one of the overloads can be applied to the function call) appear if the array type did not match the required one or if brackets were missing for arrays.

I guess my wife is right when saying that sometimes you should sleep at night...
Indeed, the wrong type of array was specified, I corrected it and everything is OK. Thanks for the tip.
I'm going to take a nap...


I am not generating events for some reason

            //  Cобытие создания графического объекта
            // Cобытие изменения свойств объекта через диалог свойств
            // Событие удаления графического объекта

I checked under the debugger...

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, tell me


I am not generating events for some reason

I checked under the debugger...

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, tell me.

Check the chart settings, there were changes in the 439 build -

10. MQL5: Added CHART_EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE and CHART_EVENT_OBJECT_DELETE properties to control the generation of appropriate events.
Список изменений в билдах MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal
Список изменений в билдах MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal
Автоматическое обновление доступно через систему LiveUpdate:.

I am not generating events for some reason

I checked under the debugger...

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, tell me

By the way, CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CHANGE works. I just checked it.

I want to collect tester's ticks for testing of virtual trading, I do the following (M1 timeframe is specified everywhere, EURUSD pair):

//Collect tester's ticks: c'20.08.2010 00:00:00' to D'01.10.2010 00:00:00'

void OnTick()
MqlTick last_tick;
if(last_tick.time>=D'20.08.2010 00:00:00')Print(;
else Print("SymbolInfoTick() failed, error = ",GetLastError());
if(last_tick.time>=D'01.10.2010 00:00:00')ExpertRemove();

Then I take these ticks from the log and put them into an array in another Expert Advisor. When comparing the volume of ticks for the above period and ticks in the log file, I notice that there is data loss in the ticks file.

The ticks in the file: 1159105, and the tick volume for this period: 1161872

What could it be due to? How do I get the correct ticks from the tester?

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Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Ценовые константы
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Ценовые константы - Документация по MQL5